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  • Reply to: Tanking Times for Conservative Think Tanks?   15 years 11 months ago

    Does this mean that the cross dressing, fake research, pro gun puppet John Lott will be losing his job? Hey Larry Craig is on the NRA Board of Directors. Maybe Lott could dress up as alter ego Mary Rosh (he invented this internet creation to shill for his own gun research on blogs) and do airport bathroom research with Craig.

  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    I never once saw Obama as anti war, even though he claimed to be aganist the war in Iraq but continued to vote to fund it. Now he is doing a "surge" in Afghanistan, does that sound familiar????
  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 11 months ago
    Yes, it is true that France reprocesses spent fuel, but you get it wrong after that -- what is left over is much denser and more dangerous than what they started with, there is just less mass to it. It poses even more of a storage problem because of that. I was under 500 meters of clay in a laboratory near Nancy (eastern France) where they are doing experiments to justify creating a nuclear waste dump there. They are far from having the problem worked out.
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    How about joining with Dr. Dean. Since he, too, was not invited, he must be doing something right! Many physicians have seen the hand writing on the wall and are supporting single payer as is the CA nurses association.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 11 months ago
    There are wind turbines being built today that produce as much as 5 MW of electricity when the wind is blowing just right. Unfortunately, that does not happen very often and sometimes the wind does not blow at all. The energy density for storage batteries ranges from about 41 Watt-hours/kilogram (for reliable old lead acid technology) to about 130 Watt-hours/kilogram for lithium-ion batteries. To back up just one 5 MW wind turbine for one hour, you need between 40 - 121 tons worth of batteries. Batteries also have limited duty cycles - if you are able to achieve 300 charge-discharge cycles without a substantial reduction in capacity you are doing very well. In service as back-up for wind or solar, you would be using up that number of cycles every year (remember, the sun has a rather predictable habit of setting every single day of a 365 day year.) Use numbers and logic and you will see why there are very few solar and wind systems being built with battery back up. Instead, they depend on "the grid" with its mix of coal, natural gas, atomic fission and hyrdo as the backup.
