Recent comments

  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 11 months ago
    Either way, this is one tax you don't have to cough up. Just quit.
  • Reply to: White House, HCAN, Ignore the Single Payer Option   15 years 11 months ago
    Dude, I don't know who you are, but your excellently-worded post speaks volumes to those of us who are saying, upon reading such a post, "it's about time somebody said this stuff! I've been railing against the 'health' insurance industry for years, intuitively seeing it for what it is: yet another tentacle of a MACHINE that ultimately wants to get its hands on as much of our assets as possible - health be damned. Our friendly auto mechanic paid $13,000.00 for coverage for himself, spouse and 3-year old in '07. I still can't believe he still smiles - or has incentive to go to work and bust his ass every day all the while forfeiting such shocking amounts of hard-earned lifeblood to the greedy and arrogant. Talk about 'entitlement mentality'! Only when enough of us STOP paying the shysters will any meaningful change come about. As a pertinent aside, check out this riveting, totally accurate skewering of Massachusetts' so-called 'health reform' - basically welfare for 'health' insurance companies: Moreover, who's talking about the nature of medicine itself - so inextricably tilted toward profitable, pharmaceutical/surgical sick-care? You might be interested in finding out about natural alternatives: Many of us would love to completely opt out of our for-profit American system, yet welcome some kind of 'safety net', should we get gravely injured, etc. Dave
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    The feedback mechanism for Move On has been broken for a long time. Now, it is moving on to being just another group, not a vital organization. Its influence will drop, not grow. Besides, the big issue now is OBAMA is helping the very same five big investment banks that destroyed the entire planet's financial systems! This is what? How about a total disaster!
  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 11 months ago
    The bill to lift Minnesota's ban on new nuclear plants was voted down by its House energy committee on March 26. The [ Associated Press] reports: <blockquote>While the measure still could be brought up as an amendment on the House floor, similar votes in recent years have failed. And as legislative deadlines approach, the Senate version of the bill hasn't yet been scheduled for a committee vote.</blockquote>
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 11 months ago
    Yet another attempt by this pathetic government to control people's lives. These tobacco taxes are even oilier than the "stimulus" plan. Soon we shall be in their power....
