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  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    So who cares. Long ago, after the 'Nam War and the Central America horrors I decided that most US citizens like and support war: They know where the goodies come from. All I can hope for is the financial load on the system will cause its collapse a la USSR. Bin Laden has been quite open that this is his strategy. Terror is just his tactic. Chris Herz
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    Thanks for your post. You said: "Some of us saw this unfolding years ago. Others are probably shocked watching their peace candidate escalating a war..." Sadly, most of the people I know fall into a third category: those who don't give a shit (and these are intelligent, creative, anti-war people). Obama is their man and they're still savoring their 'victory' in the game. They were tricked by mainstream media into believing they only had two choices: McCain (booo, grrrr) or a new fresh face with a great smile and a great speech. When our choices as citizens are fraudulently presented as black vs white, red vs. blue, etc., most will accept one as 'the best we can do' and forgo honest efforts toward real progress and peace. If Obama advocates a certain strategy in Afghan/Pakistan, you'll find little opposition or concern from those who supported him. The minds of the masses have been programmed to embrace the game of elections and the Left vs Right theater. It is entertaining and sustains the fantasy that our system of government is a democracy. Here's the point, and I said this during the campaign: Obama and the Democratic Party are there to neutralize dissent in America. Under Bush, blatant lies and crimes of government where right there in our faces. The silver lining was that this united the people against war and corruption; it gave us enormous power and potential. By buying into the theory that all evil comes from the 'other' team (Republicans), the Democrats win what they want: time and control. They got a free pass from 2006-2009 that will likely continue for as long as the Obama marketing wave has power. If progressive/peace groups had put their weight behind honest leaders like Kucinich, Nader or Paul, McCain might indeed have won the election. But we would be even more angry, united and motivated. THAT would be a victory for the people – a victory for understanding what we're up against. Instead, the 'divide and conquer' strategy of the corporate elite has won again. And we're stuck in deception hell.
  • Reply to: The Mercenaries Previously Known as Blackwater   15 years 11 months ago

    So I guess that means "kill em all let God sort em out". You go far in such places. Why dont you move?

  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    As a disabled combat vet of the debacle of Vietnam, I just keep waiting for somebody to start talking about the "light at the end of the tunnel". I know it's too cynical but let's not forget who funds these guys to get elected and as much as I would like to believe in grassroots power and the tooth fairy, the reality is that the think tank "best and brightest" and the wonderfully "able" generals and Pentagon have the ear of the President because they represent money and power in Washington. Somehow the bubble needs to be broken into and people need to speak loudly and clearly that these wars are wrong, need to end, and can end IF WE CHOOSE TO END THEM! And end them with peace, not violence. peace, tw
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 11 months ago
    Here we go again. Another tax. The government is again raisin the tax on cigarettes. I am a smoker and have gone to roll my own because of the prize of a pack of cigarettes. Now that will also go up. That leaves me no other choice but to quit. All you non-smokers win. There are not many of us smokers left. You have pushed us out. I remember reading somewhere that the government collects about $68 billion a year on taxes from us poor smokers. That is a lot of money. If everyone quits smoking what will they tax next? You know that the government needs money. I hope all you non-smokers are happy. That is only till they go after something that you like. They say that they are doing this for our own good. That we will be healthier and live a better and longer life. I don't believe that for a minute. The government just wants more money. I know someone that works for a research company looking for a way to cure cancer. Well they found it about 17 years ago, but the government won't let them use it because people will live longer and it will be a burden on them. This being so I can tell you that they are not looking out for our health. They just want the money. I can tell you so much more about our government that will scare you but right now I'm mad as hell and this is really about cigarette taxes.
