Recent comments

  • Reply to: Damage Control All Over Again   15 years 11 months ago

    It took a great amount of courage to come out with what he knows.
    When it was announced that he was writing a book but it hadn't been published, I worried that he might not live to finish it.

    No matter when he left or published the book he was damned. Only the talking points used against him were changed.
    It's very difficult for someone embedded in an ideological group (cult), to question what they are being told, and especially one that wields so much power. Could he discuss is feelings or suspicions with members of the group, would he be breaking laws if he went outside the group?
    Recovery from brainwashing takes a great deal of time, and if I remember correcetily he said the book writing was a cathartic event for him. He is probably still coming out of the fog.
    He is human, and that should be taken into account when critizing him. At least he didn't wait 5 years.

    The other poster said that the American people supported the war, but that is not true.
    There were huge demonstrations against the invasion of Iraq, but were covered up by the media.
    The whole American population has been subjected to an extreme amount of brainwashing through propaganda and it continues unabated today. It's how this cabal is able to stay in power, and I don't mean the right and left. I mean almost all of them.

  • Reply to: Sneaky Manufacturers Shrink Packaging, While Keeping Prices the Same   15 years 11 months ago

    It's also Bumblebee tuna. I noticed that Angel Soft bathroom tissue had shrunk when I changed the roll a few weeks ago. A "quart" of Hellman's Mayonaise now holds only 30 ozs., pounds of coffee have been shrinking for years. What is really annoying is that recipes that I have used for years call for a can of this or package of that and you have to adjust the recipes. I think the manufacturers should have to notify consumers of what they are doing right on the grocery shelf! A sign that warns us that the product we are buying is not in the original weight or amount. I am angry!!

  • Reply to: Progressive Media - A PR War Room for Obama   15 years 11 months ago
    Thanks, it ends after the word 'security' and I've added the period!
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    John Nichols of <em>The Nation</em> comments on this blog, and lists some of the [ groups opposing the escalation].
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 11 months ago
    The US may not have retained the practice of slavery, but believe me, the white American is still paying for it to this day. As far as the tobacco tax to pay for childrens health care...I smoke and pay a healthy premium for my own childrens health insurance. Why should I also pay for someone elses? Is it because they are poor and can not afford their own? There are many things that I can not afford, yet I'm not asking everyone else to provide them for me. Possibly these people unable to find a decent paying job should do the same as many Mexicans. Illegally immigrate to another country where they can find work. What you say? Other countries frown on illegal immigration? Shocking!
