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  • Reply to: Americans Shielded From Iraq's Brutal Realities   19 years 10 months ago
    When the USSR existed,...did we whine about Pravda and Izvestia being "biased"??? No !,...Of course not !---We just declared that Pravda and Izvestia were propaganda organs of the USSR government. So, ...Why do we pussy-foot around, ...whining about the "biased" media? The main stream media is no less than propaganda organs of the governments of the USA and of Israel----but why do we whine about it---rather than just declaring this truth to be so. We must therefore ask the media,..."When will you CEASE to be propaganda organs of the US and Israeli governments???"
  • Reply to: All the News That Fits Our Agenda   19 years 10 months ago
    I wonder if the presence of the Record is putting pressure on the local paper of record. I looked briefly at the Intelligencer site, and it looks like they're also covering the civil suit beat.
