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  • Reply to: Progressive Media - A PR War Room for Obama   15 years 11 months ago
    Advocacy groups are advocating. What's the news here? Only that they have coopted the word "media" to describe their activities. I have no problem with that, since the demise/decline of advertiser-financed news organizations is leaving a vaccuum that someone has to fill. This is not unprecedented in our history. The original "press" of the Jefferson era was virulently partisan. The ethos of an "objective" press didn't emerge until the 20th century. Perhaps what we need to do is get rid of the word "journalist," which connotes someone objectively describing what happened, and replace it with pressperson or simply "the press." Freedom of the press always did belong to whoever owned one, and now, with the Internet, that is damn near everyone.
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 11 months ago
    No tax can be too high...and choice, geez, didn't that issue get buried in the 90's? The choice is the government's, everything is the gov't.'s. Damn, this is the U.S.A., people. What's it ever had to do with freedom? Ya want somethin', buy it. And pay the damn tax, be it 3% or 300%. Pay your life savin' bailouts and shut up! t coonen Seattleland
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    It is true that they have not asked you to support their foreign policies because they are too devisive. Instead the have, as it were, put you out to greener pastures. But if you are antiwar, it is imperative for you (and moveon as well) to object to Obama's Af-Pak plan. What they revealed last week is not a plan that will ever work. It is a disaster in waiting for the US, not to mention the credibility of the Democratic Party.
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    Good article on the nuts and bolts but it does not mention how Zionists have long controlled (they more or less created) the Left/peace movement. Jeffrey Blankfort is a Jewish person who lives in CA and tells many stories of the Zionists sabotaging the peace movement regarding the Middle East. Noam Chomsky can wail about East Timor but if anyone tries to connect Israel to human rights violations the Left will pounce all over it saying you are not blaming Imperialism as the Left Trots and their gatekeepers do. Try pointing out that Israel is the dog tail that wags the dog and find yourself marginalized, ignored, or villified. Read the books by Mearsheimer and Walt, James Petras and Stephen Sniegoski and you can understand why the Left and Peace Movement (har) are ineffective from the get go.
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    Precisely. The corporate elite do, in fact, play the electorate like a violin. Owing to a prolonged period of socio-political inactivity, non-involvement, complacence, etc., the electorate haven't got the stomach for a fight. For example (and this was brought to the attention of labor observer David Macaray on Counterpunch), where was American labor's presence, en masse, in DC to keep people like Specter and Feinstein on red alert vis a vis the EFCA Bill? American labor has not flexed any socio-political muscle--to any material degree--since Seattle, 1999. The result: EFCA Bill will emerge still born, i.e., corporate powerbrokers have thrown far too much money at K Street for it to receive a fair toss. When "We, the Sheeple" get close enough to the slaughter house that denial ceases to offer any solace it will then, in fact, be too late: the noose will have been cinched snugly to the throats of the halt and the blind. The Trifecta of Evil--the business sector/MSM/DC are perfectly willing to play hardball. That's how the game is won. Anyone who fell for ANY aspect of the campaign rhetoric--underwritten by $700+ million in media expenditures--is either a callow adolescent or utterly, and hopelessly naive. There are, of course, individuals eager to be led. That "personality" only serves to cultivate the top-down control by careerists--DC, Wall Street--whomever--currently wrecking our lives as well as our environment, i.e., the planet. We, the Sheeple: look up ahead. What do you see?
