Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 11 months ago
    <blockquote>"Instead, they depend on 'the grid' with its mix of coal, natural gas, atomic fission and hyrdo as the backup."</blockquote> You left out wood, for regions where it's practical. Wood stores less energy than coal or oil or uranium of course, but it's renewable, and the very process of renewing it removes from the air the CO2 that burning it produced. As for the problems of storing the energy from wind and solar power, we'd have have been closer to solving them by now if we'd started in sooner. All the objections to renewable energy sources that anyone can raise are no reason not to do whatever we can right now.
  • Reply to: Tanking Times for Conservative Think Tanks?   15 years 11 months ago

    that's a shame.

  • Reply to: Progressive Media - A PR War Room for Obama   15 years 11 months ago
    Now is a time where an objective press and professional journalists acting through ethical guidelines is needed most. Because the Internet has opened the ability to communicate and discuss public ideas, citizens need outlets they can rely on that aim to not show bias to one group over the other. Historically the press was (and still is in many places of the world) partisan, and there certainly should be a space for that, but if we are to properly give citizens the tools they need to make informed decisions and ensure that centers of power know that they are being monitored, then an objective press plays an important role in the future of our democracy.
  • Reply to: Greg Gumbel Fumbles on Infomercials   15 years 11 months ago

    Many thanks for this post. Readers should know that Turner and Time Warner cable acted honorably and removed Gumbel videos right away after to being informed.

    Not so honorable...the Miami Herald and AP who did not bother to tell the public that they were scooped by an indepth report on before Gumbel filed a lawsuit.


  • Reply to: Smoking in the Movies: Under-the-Radar Cigarette Advertising?   15 years 11 months ago

    As a former ad exec working on Reynolds' Camel brand, I was approached by a movie maker to get behind a script financially and shown several ways in which Camel cigs would be integrated into the movie.

    My guess is that it was nothing new then. Probably a long established relationship between movie makers and tobacco companies. It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that the shit works.

    Todd Anthony
