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  • Reply to: Afghan Escalation OK with MoveOn, Anti-War Insiders   15 years 11 months ago

    Nation journalist and author John Nichols wrote this about MoveOn's [ faiure to oppose the escalation], back on March 3.

  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    At her Nation [ blog]
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    Kudos for [[Jeremy Skahill]] for his work on on this [ coming out party] for CAP's report.
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    The point is that Obama postured himself as THE candidate for "CHANGE you can believe in." Playing kowtow to neo-Zionists--via AIPAC largesse lining DC pockets, proferring a "No comment," to the wholesale slaughter of Gazans (known then--and confirmed now--as the targeting of the civilian population), adding 21,000 troops to the 38,000 in place in Afghanistan (although he did, indeed, threaten to do as much), the purposefully open-ended engagement in Iraq, the re-marketing--and prolonging--of rendition, the temporizing on Guantanamo's closing, hiring Geithner and Summers to address the economic meltdown with cosmetic make-overs to the neo-liberal agenda underwriting Wall Street, all but abandoning the EFCA issue to corporate interests--via K Street tactical warfare: this is DC legerdemain shored up by the corporate media, i.e., its biases, selective focusing and so-called "concision," and bold-faced deceptions. Obama knew full well that he could rely upon this muddling of issues by the MSM (and still does, in fact)--to whatever degree--to keep the rank-and-file off balance. The margin of doubt manifest in those who feed at the MSM disinformation trough--and the all-important moment of hesitation--inhibits those who would that this polyarchy be dismantled in favor of the only democracy functioning in any meaningful sense of the term: a PARTICIPATORY democracy. The System is not in crisis: the System IS the crisis, i.e., it cannot be "rehabilitated," which is what, e.g., Bernanke, Summers, and Geithner are desperately trying to impose upon us: neo-liberalism, redux. Obama is a rhetorician and a careerist--NOT a leader. To put it into context: what would Dr. King's response have been to the wholesale slaughter in Gaza for twenty-two days? His outrage would have been immediate, unremitting, and unequivocal. What did we get?: a soundbite. Jay Leno, indeed. Too cute. "CHANGE you can believe in"? Try this instead: "Truth in advertising."
  • Reply to: How Obama Took Over the Peace Movement   15 years 11 months ago
    ...doubtless he'll find a new gig with "AfPak." And maybe the nation we're trying to build isn't really Afghanistan but Pipelineistan: At least it seems to go farther in explaining our hanging in there for so many years, and our disappointment with our less tenacious NATO allies, than "They attacked us and killed 3,000 Americans!"
