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  • Reply to: Wisconsin's Balance of Power: The Campaign to Repeal the Nuclear Moratorium   15 years 11 months ago
    From the Minneapolis / St. Paul <i>[ Star Tribune]</i>: <blockquote>The Senate voted 42-24 on Thursday to repeal the state moratorium on any new nuclear plants passed in 1994. The action came after 40 minutes of discussion on an amendment to an energy bill. ... No utility is planning to build a nuclear plant in Minnesota, but Sen. Amy Koch, R-Buffalo, said that's because the 15-year-old ban has inhibited any plans.</blockquote>
  • Reply to: The Legacy of Mr. Horace Kornegay   15 years 11 months ago
    Sorry, I forgot to sign the entry I made about Mr. Kornegay's Army experience with the 100 Infantry Division during WW II. Joe Noah, Founder Preddy Memorial Foundation
  • Reply to: The Legacy of Mr. Horace Kornegay   15 years 11 months ago
    I think The Honorable Horace Kornegay would be devastated if he knew that the news coverage on his death did not include his participation with the 100th Infantry Division, Company D, where he was one of the first soldiers to be awarded the "Expert Infantry Badge." He was trained to use the Browning M-1 heavy, 30 caliber water-cooled machine gun. He received the Purple Heart during the Battle of the Bulge during which he was wounded by shrapnel. He served as legal counsel incorporating the Preddy Memorial Foundation (PMF) in 1996, and he served on the PMF board until his death. While a congressman, he spoke at the ceremony dedicating Preddy Boulevard in 1968. Preddy Boulevard is that section of I85 that runs through Greensboro, now I85 Business. Major George Preddy was KIA on Christmas Day 1944 by friendly ground fire; he is the world's top P-51 Mustang ace. His younger brother, Lt. Bill Preddy, also a Mustang pilot, was KIA while strafing an enemy airfield in Czechoslovakia on April 17, 1945.
  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   15 years 11 months ago
    I have been thinking that myself.If pm and rjr are so determined to stay in business and make there humongous fortunes....................let them pay the tax.I like the sound of that!Yes the taxes are outrageous.Lets see though,if cigs are up to like 9 bucks a pack,and the tax is say under 3 dollars,i think the the manufacturers would try to protect their assets by protecting their addicted clients,by keeping them addicted and lowering their prices to compensate.....................The world is just turning into even more of a big crap fest.Now ppl are going to be working to buy cigarettes,and gasoline,and hey there kids might get healthcare one day,but whats it going to matter if they cant feed the children.Stop breeding...........period.
  • Reply to: The Mormon Proposition   15 years 11 months ago

    Time to start manning the phone banks and gathering signatures again:

    Iowa Court Says Gay Marriage Ban Is Unconstitutional

    It's getting closer to Utah.
