ALEC Lost Membership Worth Over $7 Trillion in Market Cap
What companies are still members of ALEC besides Koch Industries?
What companies are still members of ALEC besides Koch Industries?
ALEC state legislators, lobbyists, and Koch operatives return to Washington, D.C. today for ALEC's States & Nation Policy Summit to promote an agenda only fossil fuel companies could love.
A New York state lawsuit charges Exxon with orchestrating a misinformation campaign on climate change. ALEC and RAGA helped.
Reducing CO2 emissions alone will not solve the climate problem at this late date. We must also get to work on removing CO2 from our skies.
Congressional recipients of Koch money lead charge on bad energy legislation.
Here's a reprint of a story we ran on North Carolina's shocking climate denial legislation back in 2012. Our hearts go out to all who are suffering from Florence's impact. As we watch the ocean water rush into city streets, in some places as much as two miles, it's worth reminding readers that North Carolina had a chance to reduce shore -- and inland -- damage for years to come. Instead it stuck its head in what little will be left of the sand.
By Jonathan Rosenblum
Koch Industries saves enough in one year from GOP tax cuts to pay for the plant, while laying off hundreds of U.S. workers.
Hatemonger David Horowitz takes center stage at ALEC Conference in NOLA.
ALEC's fingerprints can be found on many bills introduced and enacted in Baton Rouge.
ALEC's annual meeting in NOLA continues war on workers and voters, with Janus v. AFSCME victory lap and pro-gerrymandering resolution.
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