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  • Reply to: Syngenta PR’s Weed-Killer Spin Machine: Investigating the Press and Shaping the "News" about Atrazine   12 years 8 months ago
    Great a very clear report to a comment....... News about the investigation of Atrazine is really good.... Bensie Dorien
  • Reply to: Syngenta PR’s Weed-Killer Spin Machine: Investigating the Press and Shaping the "News" about Atrazine   12 years 8 months ago
    I don't see the point here. It is ok for the reporter to investigate Syngenta, but it is not ok for Syngenta to investigate the reporter? Why not? What law is being broken? Also, does anyone here realize how many people have been prevented from starving because of the increased production in agriculture thanks to atrazine. If it is proven unsafe to humans, then I will be the first to condem it. But, there is way more proof it is safe to humans and none saying it is harmful. So, keep your conclusions in check and be skeptical about the motives of each side until there is evidence.
  • Reply to: Why Don't We Talk About Smoking and Celebrity Deaths?   12 years 8 months ago
    While some of us may actually care about you, in an existential way, it is best to take care of your health so that, as one reader claimed, you can live longer. It is so sad to think that some people don't enjoy their lives enough to take care of themselves. Try to limit your smoking to 1 pack a day, bro. ;) At least! Take care!!!!! Sufi
  • Reply to: Why Don't We Talk About Smoking and Celebrity Deaths?   12 years 8 months ago
    Tobacco as a bio-weapon...Nice! I like it! :) Thank You Suphie
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 8 months ago

    Drugs, which are, in fact, Monsanto's final products (drugs), should not be legal under any circumstances, whatsoever! This company has lied, and lied, and lied, to the American people too many times for us to continue to take them seriously! Just listen: I heard on an Npr-relevant news source that the Monsanto company had denied the deadly effects its "Round-up Ready" corn or some s*** like that had had on Rats. These were bona-fide studies conducted by French scientists, smart ones, in fact, and they discovered, after a 90-day study the results of which Monsanto refused to acknowledge, the "toxic hepato-renal effects" caused by GM'd, Monsanto Maize. You can call this what you will, but I smell a cover-up( hepato-renal implies the kidnesy as wellas teh other organs, including the liver. Basically, the toxins from these Round-up-Ready-tainted Foods were so great, the toxicity showed up in the urine of these Rats!). You call this ethical behavior? Their products are the health-equivalent of "Twinkie" foods, and they must be stopped. Thank you, and have a nice day!!!!

    (pronounced like, "Soo-fie")
