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  • Reply to: "ALEC Accountability Act" Introduced in Wisconsin   12 years 8 months ago
    I imagine the ALEC behemoth would be permeated with climate deniers also? And there's a few out of America infiltrating Australian politics on climate change and meddling in our affairs. Perhaps they wear the lepers' bell in the US so they collude with the Australian greed merchants who too are ecocidal freaks, cooking Down Under big time.
  • Reply to: Syngenta PR’s Weed-Killer Spin Machine: Investigating the Press and Shaping the "News" about Atrazine   12 years 8 months ago
    "Consume first; prove safety later", huh? I COMPLETELY disagree! I have some atrazine tainted water I'd like to see you drink - FOR THREE MONTHS OF EVERY YEAR. Are you planning on having children, any time soon? I assume you are a "friend" of Sygenta?
  • Reply to: The Battle for Vermont's Health -- and Why It Matters for the Rest of the Country   12 years 8 months ago
    I wonder about the numbers quoted $11 billion profit on $220 Billion in revenue. it seems small only five percent profit margin and less than $1000 a year per person in the US ( I think the population Is roughly 350 million). Am I reading this wrong?
  • Reply to: The Super Nonprofits Influencing Elections, Under the Radar   12 years 8 months ago
    With the following seemingly innocuous opening term: "...the U.S. Supreme Court..."---the subject article unknowingly endorses the unintended & unnatural "exalted" status of the 9-member "supreme Court" (the latter reflecting the intended & natural lower case "s"). And aren't endorsements (unknowingly or not) of the unintended & unnatural "S"upremacy that we are noting here, simply part and parcel of the primary issue facing America's middle, working and poor class swing voters today? We here at OKJack™Group™ certainly think so. Naturally, we're addressing that tiny minority of swing voters who "decide" every single vote in favor of the single candidate that stands for election or reelection in the United States every biennium. That single candidate is "the privileged class", whether democrat or republican or whatever---it makes little difference one way or the other you see. "...this Constitution for the United States of America..." has been walked on and beat up so many times since ratification, that the "small" stuff, i.e., the "lower case" stuff, is invariably overlooked by every writer and reader. Yes, there is a statute that intentionally yet unnaturally "exalts" the court and "converts" its judges to "justices". But that's nothing more than statutorily beating up and walking on "this Constitution"---that was ordained, established & ratified by "We the People of the United States" in the late 18th Century. Worse than upper case "S"upremacy, are the "S"upreme Court's "C"ontrollers...said constitutional court being what we here at OKJack™Group™ refer to as Big Legal™---simply being part of the Big Six™, i.e., as denoted by the biennial quest of Big Business, Big Politics, Big Media and Big Religion™ to gain and maintain control over Big Government and Big Legal™, as well as the federal government's authority to borrow and print & mint. This, to ensure the continuing redistribution upward of diffused national wealth from an ever dwindling middle class---to be thereby concentrated at the pyramidal apex by an ever more "exalted" and entrenched privileged class. We're addressing the privileged class that since 1988 converted 75% of America's middle class jobs to Chinese and other foreign poor class jobs paying no more than $1-$2/hour on manufacturing campuses where the employees toil for 16 hours a day and are housed in dormitories and fed, clothed and otherwise supplied by company stores (e.g., employees of Apple's Taiwanese subsidiary operating in mainland China). Only 25% of corporate manufacturing jobs remain inside the U.S. after 25 years (1988-2012) of the lowest privileged class top marginal federal income tax rates since after World War I---and since the stock market crash (1929-32) and the Great Depression were both ushered in (1929-41) by the privileged class. The latest 25-year cash windfall to the privileged class failed to create middle class jobs, but it never fails to create privileged class politicians and congressional & presidential office holders---as well as Wall Street profits turned into gambling losses and then magically into federal government bailouts through borrowing and printing & minting. What we've had since the Kennedy/Johnson years (and particularly since 1988 and the Reagan/Bush years) is a trade of middle class national wealth for privileged class national debt through borrowing and printing & minting. The immense amounts of money mentioned in the subject article would not be available if not for the subsidizing of privileged class wealth, power, privilege and control by an unsustainable 35% top marginal federal income tax rate for individuals---not to mention the 35% top rate for corporate net profits and the 15% single rate for investor net capital gains, dividends and "exotic" interest income. The average top marginal rate is 70%, and was never below 90% between World War II and just before the beginning of the Vietnam War in 1963. These immense amounts of money are used biennially to entertain middle, working and poor class swing voters, and then to confuse those selfsame swing voters---and finally to manage them until the next time---as the swing voting election cycle of Big Six™ Entertainment, Confusion and Management™ continues each and every biennium. OKJack™Group™ Middle and Working Class Disabled Veterans™ We Paid the Dues that Aren't Required!™ P.S. Preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Articles I, II and/or III: The term "supreme Court" is documented 5 times. The phrase "Judges of the supreme Court" is documented 2 times. The term "Chief Justice" is documented 1 time. There is no such term as "Associate Justice" in the U.S. Constitution.
  • Reply to: Challenges to Wisconsin Recall Resemble Tea Party "Voter Caging" Scheme   12 years 8 months ago
    I thought voter caging was illegal. What criteria must be met for illegal caging to be charged? Is sending postcards to petition signers a reasonable way to determine which signatures should be challenged or is it only a form of intimidation? Has any GOP organization ever been convicted of voter caging in recent years?
