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  • Reply to: Syngenta PR’s Weed-Killer Spin Machine: Investigating the Press and Shaping the "News" about Atrazine   12 years 8 months ago
    People who think chemical companies have anything on their minds except profit and political influence are fooling themselves. When the prospect of huge riches for them are paramount,there are no incentives to report any problems in industry. I have been reading about chemical companies similar crimes and viewing the damage since I was a child. You may succeed in covering up crimes for quite a while, but Mother Nature always has control over your lives. Chemical contamination cannot be controlled or eliminated once it hits water, air or ground and everyone pays those debts in increased illness or death. Nothing in nature has been spared from deformation.
  • Reply to: Syngenta PR’s Weed-Killer Spin Machine: Investigating the Press and Shaping the "News" about Atrazine   12 years 8 months ago
    I don't see anything sinister about Syngenta investigating a persistent reporter. But when they are using the info they find to attempt to discredit critics, that's more problematic, and the story here as a whole revealed behavior that is all too typical and sinister indeed: arranging for "news stories" and "investigative pieces" to be written with the objective of positioning their product to look safe when it's not, finding ways to make valid criticism look biased, etc., and then arranging for people who appear to be objective to release this stuff under their own names for a fat fee.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 8 months ago

    While a contaminated organic farm can do basically nothing but sue Monsanto (which I'm not aware has ever been done successfully), Monsanto could Not sue the organic farm for copyright infringement. Many organic farms have been destroyed by simply existing, becoming contaminated and subsequently sued out of business by Monsanto. This is an international issue for sure.

    Unfortunately, our government much less science cannot assure us the GE products are safe for the long-term. While question still remains the FDA refuses to allow labeling of such products. The companies that spent millions lobbing for right to sell these questionable products know very well that any labeling would hurt their business. When in business for as much profit as possible, long-term effects become mere nuisances. The inherent fallacy that there is no money to be made in protecting the common good remains the short sighted failure of our current cultural belief system within capitalism. Get rich quick and forget all those you depend upon to get rich.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 8 months ago

    This email, it must be said, does not address any of the key assertions of the article and subsequent conversation.

    Collusion is an accusation that does not depend upon actual business ties. Furthermore, this sort of agreement need not be implicit. Simple cooperation between supposedly rival companies constitutes collusion. While the claim is not supported by physical evidence, it most certainly is not cleared up with an equally unsupported claim of "no business ties". Don't take WMF at their word, please.

    Through the continued sale of Organic Valley and Stoneyfield 'Farm' products, WFM takes on the decision to give up the fight against Monsanto. Bowing to the power of Monsanto is tantamount to a betrayal of the image being sold to the consumers of WFM. This image of clean and guilt-free consumerism is far more important to WFM than any of their products. Much like Walmart's 'Always low prices' false-image, WFM understands that image is everything while actual goods, services and prices come second to the bottom line. I applaud any look behind the mask of image and this article does so to great effect.

    The email also does not address the claim that 2/3 of its products are market as 'Natural' and further more, refuses to disprove that WFM draws no clear line for its customers between the 'Natural' and 'organic' label. This is tantamount to bait and switch. "Here's all these expensive organic products you can't afford, but hey, we get it, buy 'Natural' and still feel good about your choices." Everybody leaves happy not knowing the long-term effects of GE.

  • Reply to: Raw Milk Freedom Riders Take on Chicago   12 years 8 months ago
    So the Government's trigger happy boys, THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN, says that the Farmers has unsafe non-pastuarized milk? We all know that this is bull-s. THE FDA approves thousands of medicines that has DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS and you are telling me that they are shutting down some milk farmers from selling fresh cow milk. And yes our parents and even most of our grandparents who were raised on fresh cow's milk lived well into their late 70's and 80's. So how bad could it REALLY be? This is about the bottom line dollar. They are making more money per gallon and some other farmers are mad! The FDA AND THE GOV feel threatened of losing TAX DOLLARS and the other farmers who are under FDA guidelines are not happy with the competition. They see their glass of milk now half empty, not half full.
