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  • Reply to: Wisconsin GOP Goes After Equal Pay for Equal Work   12 years 8 months ago
  • Reply to: On Anniversary of Prank Call the Real David Koch Wants to "Stop Union Power" in Wisconsin   12 years 8 months ago
    The great thing about our country is one can support the causes one believes in. Thank you for showing the wonderful causes David Koch supports. We need to honor successful people like Mr. Koch who use their money to the betterment of society.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 8 months ago

    We should all be pro-union. Unions are the way for Americans to win back better paying, fair living wages. And that is what will stimulate the economy. Unless of course you are all for everyone working for minimum wages! Which is what the right to work movement is really about. The right to work for less and less!

    Germany has strong unions, high wages, a healthy manufacturing sector, free education, universal healthcare. Yes it can be done.

    A new and better model is Worker Owned Cooperative Corporations. Check out Mondragon.

    Cuba thanks to 50 years of obscene embargo has fully organic agriculture. We have a lot to learn from them. Maybe they could supply us with Organic produce!

    Inequality and the super rich ruling class and their bought and paid for politicians is the only thing standing in the way. And I believe that a lot of these selfish greedy bastards shop at Whole Foods.

  • Reply to: Challenges to Wisconsin Recall Resemble Tea Party "Voter Caging" Scheme   12 years 8 months ago
    republicans lie cheat and steal to get what they want, so whats new?
  • Reply to: ALEC and the Tobacco Industry   12 years 8 months ago
    ALEC and the Tobacco Industry, Submitted by Anne Landman You say, "The only conclusion is that ALEC has been tremendously detrimental to Americans when it comes to public health and tobacco." I say, Way to go ALEC. Smoking tobacco is a major privet enjoyment and the Government has no business curtailing it for any reason. It was the bigest cash crop we ever had, it's leaves still adorn the tops of the capitols on the Capitol Building. Here is, in scientific detail, is how mass media and the University of Minnesota conned the public. It is preposterous that those “scientists” who promote junk science studies such as this one are not exposed for the charlatans they really are. Instead, they pass as if they were “scholars” dedicated to saving humanity, and they get big dollars and media credence! The devastating part is that this incredible distortion is not an isolated case, but today it is almost the standard used for the most disparate issues, from pesticides, to plastic toys, to passive smoke, to food. Short of massive financial support from already politically prostrated and fearful target industries, therefore, the only weapon against this perversion is education and political awareness – I am proudly doing my best to perform this long-forgotten public service. NEW, ENORMOUS STUDY UNMASKS THE ANTISMOKING FRAUD: Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians, 1960-98 - May 19th, 2003 - DID YOU KNOW?... - Enormous German study on passive smoke, cancer and cardiovascular disease says: >NO CONNECTION< - April, 2003 -- Dating back one year, this milestone study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology has been so thoroughly ignored by the public health gangs and its media servants - it has escaped even our attention! The enormous study covers 37 years, during which thousands of filght attendants have been followed and monitored for cancer. Furthermore, this is not a study based on questionnaires asking whether uncle Jack smoked more or less in 1956, as it's the case for most antismoking junk science -- nor it is something started and finished in a few months. Finally, it is neither financed by the tobacco industry, the pharmaceutical industry, nor is it supported by "public health" funds allocated to produce scientific frauds to support public health's frauds on smoking. All that explains the results. Here is an excerpt that says it all: "We found a rather remarkably low SMR [standardized incidence ratio] for lung cancer among female cabin attendants and no increase for male cabin attendants, indicating that smoking and exposure to passive smoking may not play an important role in mortality in this group." Big Government, stay out of the privet life of citizens. Don't impose your power rules on us. FYI, There is no law that says we have to pay an income tax. Income tax is illegal. The 16th Amendment indirectly says we shall have no income taxes. "Woman Beats IRS in Court Over Income Tax Protest. 60 Minutes showed a 100% win for being against the IRS in their attempts in forcing one to pay income tax." Follow the Constitution.
