Recent comments

  • Reply to: OWS: Real Grassroots vs. Astroturf   12 years 8 months ago
    Really!!! Try some facts next time.
  • Reply to: "ALEC Accountability Act" Introduced in Wisconsin   12 years 8 months ago
    You really need to do some research on this Right Wing/Libertarian bunch. It's the baby of the Koch Brothers and a GREAT help to the Right Wing. They are also secretly (ha) manipulating the Kasich Ohio debacle, too. This is what we're up against: these holier-than-thou Family Values, "austerity for you but not for me" behind the scenes snakes. Expose them for what they are. But don't expect the FOX watchers to even listen to you..........
  • Reply to: Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country   12 years 8 months ago
    Your assumtion is that everyone lives a "Rockwll live" There are many citizens who do not even have a bank account, automobile, employment or even having a normal place to live. A lot of individuals are working 2-3 part-time jobs, living with a friend or relative, can not affored publc transportation or even have a safe location to keep their important doucuments. The fact is, there is no voter fraud to be concerned about, therefore, i don't get why you are spinning it this way.
  • Reply to: "ALEC Accountability Act" Introduced in Wisconsin   12 years 8 months ago
    I think that this bill should be use in all states, I didn't know that the republicans had been using taxpayers money for ALec conferences and other things, its time to end these hypocrits of their dmise of this country, for the 1% fat cats.
  • Reply to: WI Senate Leader Working Overtime to Stave Off Recall   12 years 8 months ago
    "True the vote" was created by a right-wing activist featured on the notorious Andrew Breitbart's "Big Government" right-wing smear machine. Here is a partial bio of TTV's Catherine Engelbrecht, who works in the oil industry in Texas: "Prior to 2008, Catherine had little involvement in the political arena. She was what could be called a “life activist” . . . During the Presidential campaign of 2008, she watched as government and politicians made decisions that stood in stark contrast to the American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . . and the conservative, Judeo-Christian values on which [America] was founded. . . . In 2009 she helped found King Street Patriots. . . ." The King Street Patriots group has been accused of intimidating voters: With the magic of "TTV's" supposed petition verification software, they claim that the over 20,000 signatures filed in the effort to recall Scott Fitzgerald somehow included so many "blank lines" that the number of actual valid petition signatures is purportedly only 12,833. The notion that there were almost 8,000 blank signatures or nearly 40% simply does not pass the laugh test. But, due to such sophisticated schemes as this supposedly independent verification system, some number of Wisconsin voters will likely be duped into thinking that the recall petition, if it is judged to be sufficient by the accountability board, is nevertheless illegitimate. Astonishing is one word to describe the claim made by her group.
