Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 8 months ago
    Whether global warming is real or not, or whether it is caused by co2 can be debated. But the fact remains that because of this debate all other environmental issues get sidelined. There is a huge dead zone in the gulf of Mexico from all the pollution coming down the Mississippi but it never gets talked about because its not related to the global warming debate. Its okay to bulldoze entire mountains to extract small amounts of low grade coal because now we can burn it cleaner. All the environmental problems will be solved by setting up a giant ponzi scheme selling carbon futures. With all the propaganda from all sides of debate coming in its hard to find out whats really going on meanwhile more and more animals go extinct. Where have all the environmentalists gone? They're too busy arguing over global warming.
  • Reply to: The 2008 Falsies Awards: In Memory of the First Casualty   15 years 8 months ago
    In search of something a bit more centrist, non-partisan, and relatively unbiased, I came across this site. When you can find spin, bias, and falsities in under two minutes it's time to move on. The only reason I'm stopping by to comment is that I find biased sites like this that claim neutrality to part of the problem with our media today. The article on the Lancet survey alone was enough to get my eyes rolling. When AI and HRW say The Lancet was bunk, you know it must be bad. But that is too short a summary for too serious a subject which you are clearly uninterested in examining impartially. The list goes on, but I'll stop there as the non-neutral language here and partisan hackery only serves to help me filter this site out more quickly. Best wishes.
  • Reply to: Messaging for the Earth   15 years 8 months ago

    Global warming is not a out a deteriorating atmosphere; not at all. This isn't the ozone layer issue. This is about more co2 being released and trapped in the atmosphere which interacts with energy from the sun thereby causing a much more extreme "greenhouse effect" than is usuL thereby increasing global tempertures.

  • Reply to: Advertisers, Altria Oppose Restrictions in Tobacco Bill   15 years 8 months ago

    Of course the tobacco companies' right to addict kids needs to be protected, clearly that's what the first amendment is for. This just goes to show why the legal status of tobacco companies should be changed. That goes for any other company whose product kills when used as directed, they shouldn't be treated like everyone else.

  • Reply to: Insurance Companies Profit Twice from Smokers   15 years 8 months ago

    Non-human animals naturally don't smoke or want to -- except in labs.
    They never get a choice.

    They don't have a death wish to start smoking, drinking, overeating, or taking drugs. Like humans. And making themselves sick. Like humans.

    Their lives and dignity are devalued by the "superior" humans,
    both inside the labs and at the cigarette counters, and -- of course -- everywhere else.

    Humans CHOOSE to wallow in the quicksand of SELF-INDULGENCE whenever they can. Ads or no ads.
