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  • Reply to: Insurance Companies Profit Twice from Smokers   15 years 9 months ago

    when you have so many additional contributing factors to one's health (putting genetics aside).

    If you are interested in the effects of one of the most addictive and harmful substances currently consumed in mass quantities by society, you might want to take a look at what sugar does to the body:

    At least tobacco is known to have therapeutic properties, I'm not so sure the same can be said sugar...

  • Reply to: The Spin Doctor Will See You Now   15 years 9 months ago

    Thats what they want you to believe, Your two impressions are exactly what insurance companies have been harping for years. When premiums go up by 5-6% every year for the last decade and inflation is only at 2-3% a year somethings fishy. They want us to believe it costs them soooo much money to bring us the care, and its not them driving prices up.

    Go look at market share in every state. Almost 40 states have at least 2 companies that control over 50% market share in those states. Some states just 2 companies own more then 80% of the market share.This isn't competition. If we had competition our prices wouldn't go up more then 5% a year, double the rate of inflation.

    Isnt insurance supposed to be us paying someone else to take the risk? Its not working that way at the moment. They just pass the risk and all costs associated with it down to us. Why is it we cant find out how much services cost? Why must we be in agony after getting seriously hurt because the $1000 we spend every month on premiums might not cover me?

  • Reply to: FedEx Campaign Delivers Controversy   15 years 9 months ago

    FedEx has made a huge PR mistake. What huge "respectable" corporation attacks their competitor in such a immature, slanderous way? They are spending millions of dollars on this silly smear campaign when they had to cut their salaried workers compensation by 5%. If I worked for FedEx, I would wonder why they had to cut my pay when they had millions of dollars laying around for a PR experiment.

    UPS is larger, more financially sound, and is continuously rated higher than FedEx in industry surveys. They would never stoop to this pathetic level and will come out the winner. They are also well versed in the NLRA, which it appears FedEx would rather spend the time better used preparing for the inevitable to build slanderous websites and whiteboard spoofs. FedEx ee's might as well prepare for more than a 5% pay cut in the long run...

    Advantage - UPS.

  • Reply to: Insurance Companies Profit Twice from Smokers   15 years 9 months ago

    Coffee is not nearly as addictive as tobacco; with coffee you're not putting toxins into your stomach as you are into your lungs with tobacco smoke.

    Jonik's points, amidst all the superfluous verbiage, seem to be: (1) inhaling tobacco smoke without all the added chemicals wouldn't be harmful, (2) Companies that make cigarettes, because they add so many chemicals to the tobacco, shouldn't be called "tobacco" companies.

    Any sensible person who decently values his own health would do well to be very, very skeptical of the first point. As for the second, the companies that make cigarettes add all those chemicals for no other reason than to aid in growing, processing, and selling TOBACCO in the form of cigarettes. That should make them "tobacco companies" to any reasonable mind.

  • Reply to: Insurance Companies Profit Twice from Smokers   15 years 9 months ago

    Coffee is also inherently (and surprisingly) addictive because of its caffeine content. If Nabob were loading its coffees with toxic chemicals, would we blame the resulting deaths of coffee drinkers on the chemicals, or the coffee?
