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  • Reply to: FedEx Campaign Delivers Controversy   15 years 9 months ago

    At the sake of sounding disparaging, is Fred Smith senile? What can they possibly be thinking? This definitely gives one the impression UPS is the adult and FedEx is the whining child. This will damage FedEx’s brand for years to come. I suspect there is more of this on the horizon as they have taken the path, all on board, so they will self-congratulate each other into a very precarious market position. UPS is wise to hold themselves above the fray and will reap the rewards of that approach by brand improvement and most likely new customers. Time for Fred to go? I think so.

  • Reply to: PR Pro Makes Move to Chamber   15 years 9 months ago

    According to the UCSF Tobacco Legacy Library, Bursen-Marstellar was responsible for carring the term "sound science" to Europe. "Sound science" was the effective catch phrase that was used to deem any science suggesting that cigarettes cause ill health was nothing more than "Junk Science"...another term coined in the name of Big Tobacco.

    Bursen-Marstellar was heavily involved in The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition. As noted in the Big Tobacco RICO case, this was a front group for Big Tobacco.

    Whoever thought up this brain child of a name missed the boat to "sound marketing" as the short name for the front group was originally referred to as "The ASS Co". As such, the acronym and pronounciation when referring to the org became simply "TASSCO".

    Also worthy of note is the fact that one of Bursen-Marsteller's top executives, Mark Penn, was the chief stratigist charged with running Hillary Clinton's bid for the Presidency.

    Who is Bursen-Marsteller? See below.

  • Reply to: Tobacco-Free Coverage for Australian Honoree   15 years 9 months ago
    i think that a tobacco industrialist should not be revered in society but its hard to fault them completely because we still respect alcohol makers.
  • Reply to: Insurance Companies Profit Twice from Smokers   15 years 9 months ago

    How do you even know the effects of cigarettes when you have so many additional contributing factors to one's health (putting genetics aside).

    Huh? You're calling cigarettes a "contributing factor to one's health"? Oh right, it must be those "known therapeutic properties" of tobacco.

    I note your Dr. Nancy explicitly ascribes all those nasty effects of sugar to EXCESS sugar. FYI, you couldn't live without sugar; that's why your digestive system breaks down whatever carbohydrates you eat into simple sugars to fuel your metabolism. Nobody dies for lack of nicotine, though.

    Sounds to me like you're just trying to rationalize a tobacco addiction.

  • Reply to: Psychotic Marketing for an Antipsychotic Drug   15 years 9 months ago

    Good for you, and good luck with everything. I agree with the first poster; these drugs should only be used in the most extreme cases. For everything else, talk therapy should be attempted first.
