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  • Reply to: Rebranding Abstinence Only   15 years 8 months ago

    WhyKnow, "a major provider of abstinence-only education curriculums," hired a public relations firm "to help recast its image," and changed its name to "On Point."

    They could have clarified their message by calling themselves "WhatDoYouNeedToKnowFor."

  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   15 years 8 months ago
    Why didn't Mr. Potter have a problem with the insurance companies while he was working for them for 20+ years? Why aren't you posting the salaries and profit levels of hospitals, doctors, and pharmacy companies who are also a part of the system? I'm not saying the current health care system doesn't need changing, but insurance companies are not the sole problem. For that matter, the CEO salaries posted aren't different from professional athletes and actors. Why is it okay for them to collect rediculous salaries but not CEOs of corporations?
  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   15 years 8 months ago
    I have spent the last 25 years of my career in the health care industry and believe many that oppose or demonizing the insurance sector are ignorant to some facts, not stupid just misinformed. There is a lot of misinformation out there and lack the knowledge needed to make informed decisions. We hear more politics in the press than solid healthcare delivery insight. Some thoughts - 1. “Capitalism” drives this country’s engine, it is the lifeblood. It is what has made us the greatest country on the planet. If companies like Humana, United Health or CIGNA were ineffective at managing their business they would run it into the ground. These firms work on a thin margins 2-3% and still manage to make a profit. The CEO’s mentioned all should be applauded and deserve the income they earn. 2. “Customer service and guidance” Imagine if there were not a central entity for consumers to call gain guidance, when they need help with claims, or billing, then you will be left with talking to a government employee to solve your issue. Have you ever called your State department, Social security, Medicare? Normally, you get a person that means well, but is not highly qualified and hang up more frustrated. 3. COST - Most of the problems in my opinion are with the AMA, the physician groups, and Pharm and ancillary providers. They want to balance bill you and get more money. We are rated 31 worldwide ranking for delivering health care. Do you think a doctor is going to deliver less quality care because they have to accept a reasonable income? If this were the case, they should change their profession. I have personally encountered many physicians will not accept insurance cards and want only cash, then you file the claim. They do this because they want to balance bill you, something the insurance company protects you against. They want free reign. Many providers run a fair practice, while delivering quality care at a reasonable rate. There is a balance between cost, quality and coverage. 4. Seniors - Healthcare companies that have a Medicare contract with the government are already highly regulated by CMS (Center of Medicare Services). Examples of these are Humana, CIGNA, Blue Cross, etc. Why regulate them more? In essences a quasi-government entity that is being paid or sub-contracted to manage the huge public business – Medicare. 5. Get the employer out of the middle and relive them of the burden. In closing, public health care already exist, it’s Medicaid, Medicare, SHIP, Chips, etc. If we must have more public options, I say let the companies that are good at what they do, like Humana, CIGNA and UNH be the adjudicators, administrators, and marketing of the program. Provide a program that is affordable for those pre-65, maybe based on prior year income and make premiums deductible from taxes. Create a catastrophic plan with rate caps to cover those that want to share in the risk and trade off for low rates. Let the insurance carriers manage this program, this is what they do; this is their business, and good at it. Don’t let the government try and be something they are not. I would rather they focus on Iran, and North Korea, something they are really good at doing. There is a place for a public option, but not run by the government. Steve P. (Tampa, Florida)
  • Reply to: Speaking of Monsters...   15 years 8 months ago

    Mr. Peters is absolutely right. When I'll declare my war on stupidity and idiocy, he will be on the top of my 'to hit' list.

  • Reply to: Advertisers, Altria Oppose Restrictions in Tobacco Bill   15 years 8 months ago

    and shouldn't have the same rights to free expression as citizens - until this is changed nothing else will
