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  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 8 months ago
    Great to have you aboard the train leaving the station en route to universal health-care free at the point of delivery. That is your ultimate destination, isn't it? It's what I'm used to. My healthcare system allows me to see my doctor free of charge, and because I'm over 60 all my medicines are also free. If I have a prolonged episode of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation I can dial for an emergency ambulance (also free) which will have a paramedic and a defibrillator on board. Heart attack victims get taken straight to state of the art cardiac catheter labs at major Accident and Emergency Centres. My sister in law was diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration - she's had a course of treatment that has stabilised her condition, ensuring she doesn't lose her sight - each injection was worth about £14000 but they were free of charge to her. I live in England and my health service is the National Health Service. For all of its faults and inadequacies, I wouldn't swap what I've got for a health insurance model like that of the USA. You may have some of the best medical centres in the world, but the inequalities of provision that deprive the 'have-nots' of anything more than the very basic levels of healthcare provision is a situation that shames your country. I wish you well in your endeavours.
  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   15 years 8 months ago
    I have to comment on what I see as a glaring conflict in this post: "The CEO’s mentioned all should be applauded and deserve the income they earn." "Do you think a doctor is going to deliver less quality care because they have to accept a reasonable income? If this were the case, they should change their profession." There is enough blame in our medical care situation to go around, everyone and I do mean everyone, insurance companies, the AMA, our representatives in government, and the public are going to have to accept change, real change to move forward.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 8 months ago
    Good for you to step up and speak out! I hope that you are successful. In addition to making sure that the political leaders get, understand, and act upon the real information, we somehow need to ensure that the general public also gets the message. I am saddened whenever I hear my good, although conservative friends describe changes to the system as socialism. I'm tempted to say "if that's socialism, then bring it on!", but I know this would only feed the fire. The employer-based system we have for healthcare was once a useful benefit. Now that health insurance is essential, it needs to be something that is not tied to your employer. We could use more transparency in how our insurance dollars are spent. Where can one find that information? Thanks!
  • Reply to: Monsanto: Time to Cry Over Spilled rBGH Milk?   15 years 8 months ago

    Yea I don't ever want you being my doctor or going near a cow with a 10 ft. poll, maybe you should do some more research... there Dr.?

    The 1998 and 2008 reviews by Health Canada determined the use of rBGH increases the risk of mastitis by 25%, affects reproductive functions, increases the risk of clinical lameness by 50%, and shortens lives of cows treated with it. Regardless, Monsanto lobbied their government big time, to approve rBGH in Canada. Dr. Margaret Hayden a Health Canada researcher informed the Canadian Senate, that officials from Monsanto offered the Health Canada Scientists between $1 million- $2 million. “An offer she says could only be understood as an attempted bribe.”

    want more theres mountains of it, but very few actual data saying how healthy it is.., and believe me that datas been showed innacurate, thrown out and rejected by many studies and multitudes of repected professonals and agencies like the CPA the EPA and even researchers previously working for the FDA.

  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   15 years 8 months ago
    we CAN afford affordable health CARE but not unaffordable health INSURANCE if we raise taxes by far less than we are now paying for health INSURANCE...and get better care. they claim the INSURANCE industry is innovative??? in what way, except in ways to deny and delay care...innovation comes from NIC and the CDC and grants FROM THE GOVERNMENT to colleges and universities..those privately run grants are to create demand where NONE exists in the first place. Got ugly toenails? we got the cure, just make sure you get your liver tested every month to ensure it does not decay in the process. No government money was used in finding a cure for ugly toenails!
