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  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 8 months ago
    It takes courage to do what Mr. Potter is doing. Not magic, not wizardry, but courage. We should all share and learn in the lesson he is bringing all of us! The corruption in this industry should not shock us. It should not make us recoil in horror. This is us, this is America, and the lubricant that makes it all work is money. Enormous, enormous amounts of it. It makes the healthcare world go round, and it brings the healthcare world crashing down! Let us shine all the light on this industry. It is our money, after all! The money for the healthcare industry is perhaps mainly spent in the private sector, but the clients, the millions and millions of healthcare clients in America, constitute a very large part of the mainstream American public. The mainstream American public, widely known as the middle class, is being royally screwed. And as goes the American middle class, so goes America. Screwed. As Melissa sings so well, "I need to wake up!" Wake up, America, it is time to wake up! They are here! They want it all, and they will take no prisoners! As the famous French revolutionary song, La Marseilleise, so eloquently calls out to its citizens, "Allons enfants de la patrie!" (Children of the nation, march!). We must stand against these thieves, these corruptors! We must stand together, and rebuild our torn and embattled nation! Since the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the private sector corporate interests have toiled tirelessly to regain and maintain their supremacy in society through profit. They have sought to crush the power of the people. The power of the people was warned by the founding fathers against the large monied interests of privilege and power. Wherever people came together against these interests to form cooperatives, community and union halls from which they would take power over and for themselves, the corporate interests were ruthless and tireless in attacking and destroying these institutions of the people. The corporate interests have never slept in their incessant quest for more. More profits, more power, more influence, leading to more profits, more power... Insatiable power and greed lust. Heady stuff. Mr. Potter's liberation from that should be a celebration. We should wish that all Americans will one day be liberated from the clutches of these insatiable profit-seeking, destructive corporate interests, which are not truly interested in healthcare, as much as they are driven by the incessant demand for more and greater profits. It is no longer any fun to work in the healthcare field. The whole things has become monstrous! We need Universal Medicare. Now.
  • Reply to: FedEx Campaign Delivers Controversy   15 years 8 months ago

    Who benefits? Maybe the employees because they will be given the right to choose in all this.

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 8 months ago
    Didn't it occur to you over the twenty years you spent raking in the big bucks that your message was corruption? Just because you didn't break any laws didn't it cross your mind that elderly, children and others were at risk because of your snake oil routine. You were that clueless? It's no wonder we are where we are. You have trained hundreds of others to take your place as health insurance lackeys. Somehow I have a hard time wondering if you are really on our side.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 8 months ago
    We can only judge that in retrospect. You know, by results. Bill Moyers was Lyndon Johnson's press secretary. Would you call everything he's accomplished since then too little, too late? (Assuming you're not a right-winger, of course.) Welcome, Wendell. :-)
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 8 months ago
    It is interesting to watch those who look at data and see holes described as 'skeptics" while those who look at data and draw conclusions with the holes as "scientists". A real scientist would never close a discussion on something as complex as climate change and declare it conclusive and thus action must be taken. A real scientist would not support a solution set that includes a cap and trade scheme that does not solve the problem described. Only a politician would declare this topic concluded and this solution objective.
