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  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 9 months ago
    Thanks Bob for such an insightful bash on those nasty "deniers". With $6B and growing in federal outlays to climate alarmist groups, a donation of $260K from fossil fuel industries seems minute. This debate isn't about climate, is it Bob? C'mon! Come clean! With so much potential treasure whether via legislative means or an endangerment finding, who could resist? Never under-estimate the opportunity in alarmism. We could debate the "science" forever. The only certain outcome in a Waxman-Markey strategy is an impoverished nation. Cooler weather than would be otherwise? No one can predict the weather next Sunday...try 2100. Sounds kinda' iffy. Study up on your Mandarin or Portugese Bob! One day they may have openings for a lefty op-ed guy like you! Not soon however, they're too busy making money.
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 9 months ago
    Scientific American took a random sample of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science. Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition—one was an active climate researcher, two others had relevant expertise, and eight signed based on an informal evaluation. Six said they would not sign the petition today, three did not remember any such petition, one had died, and five did not answer repeated messages.
  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 9 months ago
    "...anyone looking at their thermometer lately could tell you... that AGW is a scam" That ONE sentence demonstrates your complete lack of understading of CLIMATE CHANGE, human induced or otherwise. Additionally, in my 50 years on this earth, I HAVE seen a demonstrable warming trend where i live. I, previously (say 1990), could not reliably overwinter rosemary in the garden - now I can. I also now have petunias that re-seed themselves and even petunia PLANTS that overwinter for several years at a time! The spring warmups start earlier but the last frosts haven't changed much. It's anecdotal but empirical.
  • Reply to: Know Fake News: Summary   15 years 9 months ago

    Yeah the propaganda and fake news and bombardment of advertising in all its forms (on cars, taking public space on streets, all over the internet, spam e-mails, billboards, television/radio advertising, sporting events, telemarketers college campuses) NOTHING is sacred anymore. We already live in a depressingly commercialized paranoid society. And the craziest thing about it is that people accept it as part of daily life. I REFUSE to watch more than a half hour of TV a day because it is sickening to me how much garbage and advertising is everywhere. And this generation of kids (and hey im only in my early 20s) are already used to it with myspace and they accept it.
    And even when we try to hear REAL news, we hear BS news such as "Whos the hottest dancer on "Dancing with the stars"? " WHO CARES! Our economy and country is going in the crapper, and people actually think some overpaid materialistic celebrities are NEWS? GET A GRIP

  • Reply to: The Heartland Institute's Quest for "Real Science" on Global Warming   15 years 9 months ago
    It might help the deniers' cause if they could agree on what to deny -- global warming itself or just human causation of same. The very fact that the coal industry is running such a lavish campaign touting "sequestration" of CO2 from power plants suggests that you may find yourself left behind if you stick to the no-warming position too long. <blockquote>"Meanwhile, the U. of Albany is confronting fraud allegations against one of their professors...."</blockquote> So "Piltdown Man" was a hoax. Would Heartland have us believe that disproves the whole theory of evolution? Actually, that would be consistent with your statement, <blockquote>"And we will know more clearly (as anyone looking at their thermometer lately could tell you) that AGW is a scam...."</blockquote> It's pleasantly cool here in New England, but my cousin in New Mexico tells me he's roasting. Whose thermometer would you have us judge by? If one person can pronounce AGW a scam with one thermometer reading, what's the point of that conference? Is that the quality of the work at Heartland?
