Alex Kotch

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
News ArticleA Coalition of Pro-Trump Doctors Is Forming to Defend the President’s COVID-19 Blunders Alex Kotch04 years 2 months ago
News ArticleRight-Wing Megadonors Are Financing Media Operations to Promote Their Ideologies Alex Kotch24 years 2 months ago
News ArticleDevos-Funded Group Organizes Protest Against Michigan Governor’s Stay-at-Home Order Alex Kotch54 years 2 months ago
News ArticleForeign-Owned Entertainment Company Lands Federal COVID-19 Loan Alex Kotch04 years 2 months ago
News ArticleGroups Aligned with Right-Wing Megadonors Are Promoting Coronavirus Protests Alex Kotch04 years 3 months ago
News ArticleKoch Foundation Criticizes Turning Point USA Even as Koch Network Funds the Group Alex Kotch04 years 3 months ago
News Article“Identity-Scrubbing” Charities Bankroll Heartland’s Climate Denial Alex Kotch04 years 4 months ago
News ArticleRight-Wing Super PAC Runs Pro-Sanders Ad After Running Anti-Sanders Ad Alex Kotch14 years 4 months ago
News ArticleKoch-Linked Charity Bankrolled Project Veritas as It Worked With Ex-Spies to Infiltrate Liberal Groups Alex Kotch04 years 4 months ago
News ArticleGOP Moves to Stack FEC in Its Favor Alex Kotch04 years 4 months ago
News ArticleIndependent Spending for Biden and Warren Dwarfs Outside Support for Sanders Alex Kotch04 years 4 months ago
News ArticleCandidates Backed by Bloomberg Helped Pollute the Planet Alex Kotch04 years 4 months ago
News ArticleWealthy Donors and Fossil Fuel Interests Pump Millions into Super PACs for 2020 Elections Alex Kotch04 years 4 months ago
News ArticleYouTube Is Promoting Koch’s Climate Change Denial Network Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleDemocratic Presidential Candidate Michael Bloomberg Is a GOP Bankroller Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleConservative Foundations Finance Push to Kill the CFPB Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticlePrivate Prison Giant GEO Group Gives to Super PAC Backing Susan Collins Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleCentrist Third Way, Funded by Corporate Interests, Attacks Sanders in Iowa Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleRight-Wing Business Billionaires Launch Attack on Bernie Sanders Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleKoch-Favored DonorsTrust Keeps Funding Anti-Muslim and Anti-LGBTQ Hate Groups Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleEx-Pharma Lobbyist Embedded in White House Tanked Drug Pricing Bill, While His Former Employer Helped From the Outside Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleKoch Funds Groups Supporting Lawsuit Against Donor Transparency Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleSome of America’s Biggest Corporations Help Finance Anti-Impeachment Ads Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
News ArticleAs GOP State Attorneys General Fight Environmental Regulations, Fossil Fuel Companies Bankroll Their Campaigns Alex Kotch04 years 5 months ago
