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  • Reply to: Senegal's Democracy in Jeopardy as Runoff Election Looms   12 years 6 months ago
    France should not support Wade and they know that he will spell disaster for Senegal
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    so, how does one challenge a TTV error? i went to their pdf file and searched for my name. it wasn't there. but i also searched for a friend's name, who i knew had signed. her signature is on the "ineligibles report" for having a "bad sign date." i looked at the linked png, and it's just fine. went back to TTV's silly file, and i guess they are claiming her signature is ineligible because there are two slash marks between the month number and the day number. on the original, there very clearly is NOT. so, this is a total error. without even going to the question of "do 2 slashes render a signature invalid?" harassment isn't quite right, but it's something--denial of voting rights; voter intimidation; denial of civil rights.
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    One more note on 'duplicate' Robert Cobb. sw065846.png has Robert L Cobb, while sw051374.png has Robert W Cobb. Now that the TTV/VTR searchable data base is starting to work better, I looked him/them up in it. Even the TTV/VTR searchable data shows them as different signatures. Let me say that again - the 'duplicates' report from TTV/VTR that counts two entries for the 'duplicate' signature from Robert Cobb disagrees with the TTV/VTR searchable tool on Robert Cobb, which shows them as different signatures.
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    I have been unable to find the CSV file. Could you provide a link?
  • Reply to: Rampant GMO Contamination Unchecked by Judge   12 years 6 months ago
    Naomi Buchwald's judgment is egregious and contradictory to common sense. Monsanto has paid for a revolving door for its minions to occupy political offices in Washington, and this judge raises the increasingly familiar question of Monsanto's influence over the judicial system.
