Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Voter ID Law Challenged by League of Women Voters   12 years 6 months ago
    Use your brain - just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Take for instance murder - you don't see it taking place as you walk down the street - BUT I have news for you - it IS happening! Take for instance sex offenders - you don't see it when you drive thru your neighborhood or pick your kids up at school - BUT it IS happening.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Voter ID Law Challenged by League of Women Voters   12 years 6 months ago
    So what stops a homeless person from voting in more than one state? What stops me from going to the state next door and saying "I'm homeless and live in the streets of Minneapolis and I want to vote"? The poll people are just suppose to believe the person - WRONG! Wake up.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Voter ID Law Challenged by League of Women Voters   12 years 6 months ago
    You're wrong Mutternich - when a person commits a crime/felon they lose their rights (dah - that's why they go to jail); it part of the punishment (you lose your freedom and your right to take part in society and to vote). You people would think different if your mother was killed by someone...would you want that person to be able to vote for things in society that won't affect him but WILL affect you?! Grow up!
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Voter ID Law Challenged by League of Women Voters   12 years 6 months ago
    Notice it is alway democrats or left-wing people that want loose laws or unenforcement. If I have to provide ID to the DMV or to use a check at Walmart or to buy liquor or a gun then the right to vote should require ID...or don't vote (I would prefer that those of you who whine about this not vote - that would solve the problem).
  • Reply to: Clear Channel Stands Behind Limbaugh   12 years 6 months ago
    That's not a real apology. He's saying I meant to call her a slut, but I didn't know how to say it with PC words.
