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  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    In addition, your article states: "'Verify the Recall' is a joint project between the Houston-based nonprofit "True the Vote" (a project of the Texas Tea Party group King Street Patriots) and the Wisconsin Tea Party groups Grandsons of Liberty and We The People of the Republic." Verify the ReCall's claim that they are non-partisan, is at odds with their origin. They claim that they are not "affiliated with, or in communication with, any candidate or public official, or with any campaign" (Note that they don't say 'party'). But they also write that: "This project is a joint effort between We the People of the Republic [] and The Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty" []. The former also makes the claim of being nonpartisan and grass roots, while simultaneously claiming to "...serve as one of thousands of so-called "Tea Party" groups in America. The latter don't use the Tea Party moniker, but claims at once that they are "supportive of candidates who possess honesty and integrity and that are motivated by public service and not public power and prestige. " Whether you think Scott Walker fits that bill is another matter altogether. The point being that these are not organizations devoid of political motivation. These are groups that channel time, energy and money to support outcomes of elections. Tea Partiers may think they can have it both ways; they aren't a party, they are, they are grass roots, but heavily funded. Fortunately, their explicitly contradictory and confounding rhetoric is only bought by the same people that think exclusion of WI voters is "within the limits defined in the Constitution", the mission of the WGL.
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    During the scandalous 2000 election, my name was, I assume, deemed a duplicate in favor of another person with my very unusual name, namely, me - or rather me from 15 years earlier living at an 15 year old address in CA. I had been registered to vote for more than ten years at my then current address- never missing a vote; however, when whatever firm was contracted to "streamline" voter information worked their magic, they effectively wrote me out in favor of the old me at my old location. Fortunately, the address I lived at 15 years earlier was my mother's house and she still lived there. Unfortunately, it was too late to reregister and two hours away in LA traffic. Imagine if my mom had moved? I would have never known that my polling place had "changed". I could argue that it was only because my mom was by then a homeowner that I managed to vote. That in combination with the fact that I live in the same city. When we lived in apartments, we never lived anywhere for 15 years, no matter how stable we were, buildings get sold, demolished, etc. Had I gone away to school, or moved off somewhere else, I still wouldn't have been able to vote. Or imagine all those poor people who have really common names, names shared with felons, like all the contentious not included African American votes in FL. Since then I have had the same thing happen again, in reverse. I moved back to the city I went to high school in, and once was told by my regular polling place that my name was not listed, nor were any member of my family's (though all our neighbors had no issues and the map placed us at that polling place.) They would not allow me to complete the hand-written alternative unless I drove home and got ID. It's infuriating, but I'm just glad that we aren't using e-voting.
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    If you look at the PDF spreadsheet, you will see the first column says 'bad sign date' in almost all of them. I would assume that this spreadsheet has only the so-called "errors", and none of the signatures that they could not argue the validity of. That column is probably for the reason they found fault with it. If your name is not there, I would assume that they couldn't find anything wrong with it, although I'm sure they tried.
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    This is more likely to work: right-click and save...
  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 6 months ago
    Go here... ... and click on the "click here" next to 'complete reports' under Governor. A pop-up wit the title "Governor Scott Walker Reports" should appear. Right-click on 'data spreadsheet' and save the file. Or (this may work) right-click this link and save. data-spreadsheet-walker.csv
