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  • Reply to: Is Campaign Contribution to Walker Payback for Corporate Welfare?   12 years 3 months ago
    I do wish the people of Wisconsin well in their effort to rid themselves of Scott Walker, but there are some lessons here that the left needs to learn: 1) The Democratic Party has done next to nothing to help this effort because they aren't interested in working people, they are interested in gaining power in DC. 2) The idea that the power of the people and of organized labor should be directed into Democratic Party politics is a failed strategy and will remain so. 3) Elections post-Citizens-United are dominated by money, not ideas, and neither party has any intention of changing that since they both benefit from the corruption of our political process. Again what we have in Wisconsin is essentially a race between a Republican and someone whose main asset is that they are not a Republican. We are fighting for scraps from the 1%'s table instead of fighting for a new economic and political system ruled by the 99% and designed to benefit all the people.
  • Reply to: Is "Right to Work" Next on Walker's Agenda?   12 years 3 months ago
    I live in Missouri and you really do not want to become "right to work". Think lower wages/smaller paycheck/less pay for more work/inability to refuse to do things that may be hazardous to your health and the possibility of being fired at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Contrary to what they say, employers do not suddenly flock to the state to open new businesses and open up job opportunities. You don't want to go that route.
  • Reply to: Koch-Fueled Event Brings out Tea Partiers for Walker and Kleefisch from Wisconsin and other States   12 years 3 months ago
    OW CONSERVATIVES RUINED A GREAT DEMOCRACY A NEW CORPOCRACY Ruined our great Savings and Loan Institution Closed Fairness Doctrine that has Limbaugh types on our public airwaves Closed Revenue Sharing Since 1980, initiated our involvement in 10 foreign conflicts Repealed Glass Steagall—took deposits in over 7000 banks and put 50% in 5 (Too Big To Fail) and 80% in 10 (Too Big To Fail) Banks. Modernization of Commodity Markets—from investment to Casino Derivative Of America 2 very dumb invasions of two of most unarmed and destitute nations. Ruined our International reputation as a Do Good Christian nation to Big Bully Devil Stood by as freak marketeers ruined our housing industry Stood by as Casino Derivative Of America ruined the world financial industry Impeached a great president for petty political gains that created a long term animosity between the parties Attempted to destroy the safety nets that make a great middle class Implemented Tax Codes that permitted a redistribution of Wealth to top (10%) who now own (73% )of Net Wealth and (83%) of Financial Wealth and take (50%)of all individual income They have taken America to a rank of (#2) as Least Taxed in OECD nations; (#2) as least taxed corporations; and sadly to (# 4) on Inequality. Since 1980, their Spend & Borrow policies, mainly, were responsible for adding 14,000 billion to our 1000B Debt when they started in 1981. Fought the Great GI Bill. Fought the WWII Draft Installed strict laws which have loaded our prisons with non-violent offenders which make us world leader in prison population CONCLUSION-WANT TO VIEW END OF AN EMPIRE THEN YIELED TOTAL CONTROLOF GOVERNMENT TO REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVES AS WAS DONE IN 2001-2002-2003-2004=2005-2006- WHICH WILL BE JUDGED AS, OUTSIDE OF THEIR GREAT DEPRESSION, THE SIX WORST YEARS IN OUR HISTORY IMAGINE THEM IN CONTROL FOR 12 YEARS????
  • Reply to: Is Campaign Contribution to Walker Payback for Corporate Welfare?   12 years 3 months ago
    "What do Walker's other big-money donors -- some of whom gave upwards of $500,000 -- expect in return for their contributions?" They expect the Wisconsin GOP to privatize everything and hand them the keys so they can crush the private sector unions, and make everybody whore for their jobs. It's called "Right to Work - for less."
  • Reply to: Are Wisconsin's Deer in the Headlights?   12 years 3 months ago
    from state to state, money is short, from state to state, politicians are legislating for deer farming and private land hunts$$$ and the closer of public hunting. there was nothing political about what Dr. Deer was quoted as saying in 2002, one decade before said ‘political motive date’ i.e. ‘the Walker follies’. how can this be a political ploy, when what Dr. Dough had in his heart one decade ago vs what his mission was to have been in 2012 in Wisconsin ? seems to me he was brought in under false pretenses? seems to others that might be the case as well. right or left, you cannot change what was in this mans heart back in 2002, with new words in 2012. calling folks that go to public lands to camp, hunt, fish, to enjoy the outdoors, because they don’t have a two-hundred-acre spread of their own, and because they don’t want to go to Dr. Dough’s paid deer farm, calling these folks “cocktail conservationists”, who are really pining for socialism”, or calling our National Parks “wildlife ghettos”, or stating game management “is the last bastion of communism”, pretty much sums it up for me, and where this mans heart, soul, and mind is. it’s another fine example of the haves vs the have not's. ================================ Where does this leave the public-land hunter? “It will suck to be you,” said one deer manager who asked to remain anonymous out of fear for his job. “The resources and efforts will go toward improving the private land sector. This is all about turning deer hunting away from the Public Land Doctrine and more toward a European-style of management — like they have in Texas.” ================================= I just don’t agree with the political rhetoric here with walker, and the statement Dr. Dough the Texas deer czar comments back in 2002 made. two different things in my opinion. Friday, June 01, 2012 TEXAS DEER CZAR TO WISCONSIN ASK TO EXPLAIN COMMENTS kind regards, terry
