Recent comments

  • Reply to: Los Angeles and Kern County's Epic Sewage Sludge Battle   12 years 3 months ago
    Richard, there is now another solution on the horizon - an exothermic, low-cost process, requiring very little additional energy, which converts the sewer sludge with 80% moisture content directly into a high-grade bio coal powder with an energy content of hard coal. It can be gassified and used in combined cycle power plants with over 60% thermal efficiency. With California's FIT, this could become a money maker for Hyperion!
  • Reply to: Eye Opener: Turkish Charter Schools Sweep Across America Funded By Walmart Family   12 years 3 months ago
    I sent my child to a charter school 2years ago and guess what turkish or non turkish my child was discriminated by teachers, there were teachers who had worked at Wal-Mart as cashiers/sales staff, my biggest question was how they got to be teachers without a bachelors degree. I can't count the number of times my child came home crying saying why the teachers treated her differently my heart broke each time that happened. i advice every one do not send your children to charter schools co's they do not have educated teachers and no proper structure and very poor communication between parents /principal/teachers, thankfully my child is out of that school and doing well and happy in a regular state public school.
  • Reply to: Is "Right to Work" Next on Walker's Agenda?   12 years 3 months ago
    Does the employer have any recourse when an employee wants to quit? Can they make them stay? Do they get compensated by the employee who leaves them short handed?
  • Reply to: Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Is an ALEC Member   12 years 3 months ago
    Rupert Murdoch's journalists and editors are being arrested left right centre here in the UK. We just beginning to hear about how he, and his son's spied on the public, and interfered in public services. American's should get rid of this dangerous man, who hacked into people's emails, mail, and letters.
  • Reply to: Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. Is an ALEC Member   12 years 3 months ago
    Even without reading this article (very good) most folks knew this. News Corp is the Propaganda machine for ALEC and all right wing conservative destruction around the world. Traitors to mankind in the quest for money.
