Recent comments

  • Reply to: Is Campaign Contribution to Walker Payback for Corporate Welfare?   12 years 3 months ago
    That's a good clarification, Brendan, thanks for bringing it up. The troubling phenomenon of people dropping out of the labor force is nationwide, though as you note, the rate varies from state to state. Actually, from county to county. The only upside to this picture is that unemployment benefits paid by the state will decline, reducing the tax burden on the rest of the citizens. A small consolation to those who dropped out involuntarily.
  • Reply to: WI Judge Halts "Extremely Broad and Largely Needless" Voter ID Law   12 years 3 months ago
    I never knew that I was being discriminated against all these years I had to show ID to vote. I guess it must really hurt the dead that try if they lost theirs.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Newspapers Create False Equivalency on Recall Spending   12 years 3 months ago
    Total amount spent by all the candidates is approximately $300m million which is more than all elections conducted before 1996. Here is the comparison of raised and spend money by candidates in US 2012 election. Though he has all the power but he still needs money to defeat his opponents. He has spent 47.16 present of total amount he has received in donations. That $92.9 million to date amount spent on his election campaign is 172.43 percent more than Ron Paul and 19.1 percent more than his main Rival Mitt Romney. Total raised amount from him has turned out to be approximately $197 million which is 447% more than Dr. Paul and 123.86 % more than Mitt. To read More follow the link
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 3 months ago

    I agree with you. I've been telling people for a while now that, with all the nightmares from Monsanto, it leaves us with no choice but to eat strictly "certified organic". What else can we do?

  • Reply to: The “99% Spring” Aims to Train 100,000 Activists   12 years 3 months ago
    Everyone please read my web page at to see ideas that will help re-elect President Obama. Most of the information is on the Current Events section and on the mid to bottom of my Home section.
