Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wal-Mart Does Good by Leaving ALEC   12 years 3 months ago
    While I applaud WalMart's decision to drop out of ALEC, they still have a way to go before I will ever set foot in one of their stores. They are rabidly anti-labor, suck the life out of local economies, and their workforce ('associates' ?..ha!) often has to rely on medicaid because it's paid so little, while WalMart's huge profits go to their obscenely rich owners.
  • Reply to: Is Campaign Contribution to Walker Payback for Corporate Welfare?   12 years 3 months ago
    I believe the GOP wishes to repeat the wage levels received by laborers and middle class citizens during the Great Depression. All of their actions and beliefs point inevitably in that direction. Vast fortunes for the wealthy millionaires were gained in those times, so I think that is what their final goal is. Of course, their final wish would be to become an imitation of ancient Britains' Kings, Barons and other members of Royalty. They already have that attitude and the machinery of Congressional and Senate power in Washington. America has certainly come a long way away from its origins!
  • Reply to: Wal-Mart Does Good by Leaving ALEC   12 years 3 months ago
    Its about time !!!!!...Was just about to turn in my SAMS card and hunt for another discounter...ALEC is mainfestation of modern day racketeering ......shut them down and prosecute Norquist and his band of thugs !!
  • Reply to: Rampant Voter Fraud in Wisconsin or "The Martians Are Coming?"   12 years 3 months ago
    It is really a simple issue.... when there is no proof staring you in the face and someone accuses the other person or party of wrong doing it is usually the very same thing the accusor is actually perpetrating.
  • Reply to: Texas-Based "True the Vote" Gearing Up to Combat "Voter Fraud" in Wisconsin Recall   12 years 3 months ago
    Well, I'm happy to see that the left wing has authoritatively stated that there was no voter fraud in Wisconsin yesterday, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
