Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 1 month ago

    It really is a shame WFM, Organic Valley and Stoneyfield Farm did a trade-off with Monsanto after a long history/investment of twelve years. It seems Monsanto beat them down. I'm sure there is more to the story for the trade-off.
    I would like to know what proof WFM, OV and SF have regarding "compenstion"....
    Could it have been possible for WFM, OV and SF to help the organic farmers for "any losses related to the contamination of their crops" by means of donating a percentage of their profits, and if so, they could of still supported their cause against Monsanto and endorsed the organic industry mission.
    A few Whole Foods Market stores have opened in Toronto...I was very excited but now after having read this article I am very disappointed and will probably go back to buying my organic foods from a local small market. I am in favor of supporting smaller businesses as much as I can.
    All we can do is collectively not purchase or support companies related to Monsanto. Beware of GMO brands/products and boycott them everyday by simply not buying them! Please support your local organic farms and neighborhood organic stores.

  • Reply to: Three California Democrats Team Up with Monsanto   12 years 1 month ago
    A new version of Old McDonald Had a Farm Old Man Santo Had a Farm...and he raised GMOs
  • Reply to: Special Report from Salt Lake: ALEC Exposed, ALEC Diminished   12 years 1 month ago
    Thanks for making the truth sooo clear! Of course, they'd have reason to want the postal system gone... duh! Hadn't went there. And [corporate] "Greed" is good"?!!
  • Reply to: A Lot of White Space: Firms Drop Off ALEC's Meeting Brochure   12 years 1 month ago
    I contacted my agent and the corporate representative on the ALEC issue. State Farm shows no movement to disassociate with the "bill mill" group, so I disassociated us from State Farm, moving all my automobile and house insurance to other carriers. We were 50+ year customers of State Farm. No more.
  • Reply to: A Lot of White Space: Firms Drop Off ALEC's Meeting Brochure   12 years 1 month ago
    I doubt they've abandoned ALEC, they've just had their names removed, and either remain anonymous, or are acting under pseudonyms. None of these greedheads are going to willingly remove themselves from access to the highest levels of power, they'll just while they do it. At the end of the day, they're cowards after all.
