Recent comments

  • Reply to: Shareholders Push Firms to Cut Ties to ALEC; 49 Corporations Now Out   10 years 12 months ago
    I had eight insurance policies with State Farm, and my agent's father was my parent's insurance agent. I explained my concerns to her, but of course she was powerless. I am down to 2 policies to replace. I went with AAA for my cars, but am still struggling about home owners and personal articles policies. Any recommendations?
  • Reply to: Meet Jeffry Sterba, America's Highest Paid "Water Worker"   10 years 12 months ago
    You say "Taxpayer dollars make Sterba "America's Highest Paid Water Worker. "He has made $8,311,925 in the three years that he has been a top executive at the company." Since this is an investor owned company and not a government run utility. There is no truth to this statement. As a former employee of American Water, I can tell you many things that aren't right about what they do and I have no respect for the company, but I do respect the truth and apparently you do not.
  • Reply to: New Guardian Docs Show ALEC Misled Press, Public   10 years 12 months ago
    Ben Ysursa, Sec. of State of Idaho, was illuminated by the Public Service Spotlight on the CREW website for invoking the 1974 Sunshine law to force a shady organization to reveal its donors. Most of the $200,000 was donated by only three people. The name given to the organization was "Education Voters of Idaho", or EVI. It is typical of some of these clueless ignoramuses that they apparently didn't notice that only an "L" at the end would do much to describe the intent of their efforts as "EVIL. If they did notice, that's even worse.
  • Reply to: Return to Nixonland: How the NSA Slipped its Leash   10 years 12 months ago
    Great piece, except that you too quickly dismiss idea that Obama has not used NSA for his own personal vendettas. This administration has politicized the IRS; it is only matter of time before we find out what other government offices he has weaponized.
  • Reply to: The Googlization of the Far Right: Why is Google Funding Grover Norquist, Heritage Action and ALEC?   10 years 12 months ago
    With what Obama and his band of leftie Democrats have been doing the past 5 years, you think that it is due to some John Birch hardliners. I want some of what you are smoking.
