Many would be surprised to find State Farm, UPS, Bayer (aspirin), and AT&T (although this has been already found guilty on many fronts) in this business. I would like to suggest to make a list (and a short introduction on the topic) with the companies funding ALEC for easy distribution and information to our friends.
isn't your intellectual heritage what produced the current crop of false equivalency based he-said she-said journalism that is pleasing to those who would do harmful things while burying critical thought in noise and hype?
That and the national security state which edits the news and directs the narratives it generates to its own ends-per the Church Report, "a journalist cost less than a hooker" according to CIA handlers.
You are so right. The Koch sponsored groups of which there appear to be many are the most dangerous to democracy as we still have believed it to be. However, it is changing fast. Keep in mind that the father of the Koch Brothers was a co-founder of the John Birch Society and the picture all falls into place. This story should be sent to every media outlet in every state. We should all urge the Democratic party to do that. And it should be sent to the membership of ALEC don't you think? They are all listed at