Dear Google, Every time you support one of these RIGHT wing nut cases in ALEC you hurt your customer base. Of course, you probably have never considered this because you don't give a rat's behind about any of us who use your online assistance. What's up with this attitude? Is it because all you care about is feeding your own corporate greed breeders, gourmands? I think so.
These policies of Google certainly, and expertly define the real meaning of the company's policies regarding it's customers. They are getting 'SCROOGLED." A current competitor's ad says this all the time. Now we know for certain it's true.
I would bet more than 90% of the American public does not know what these creeps do to them. I saw recently a banner at a protest rally that gave the acronym ALEC and new definition: A L egislator for E very C orporation. That's the way I see it. Smash every one who does not own a business or corporation. That's what is wrong with this country. These big bus and corp types are totally un-American. There is a dwindling of middle and lower income families and a fast growing number of new poor as a result.
It's official. Google is now an enemy of the people. Thanks for this article. I will now boycott all Google products I can, and tell my friends about this.