CMD Reporting on Walker Dark Money Criminal Probe
New reports from the Center for Media and Democracy/ on the John Doe criminal probe.
New reports from the Center for Media and Democracy/ on the John Doe criminal probe.
The Center for Media and Democracy spoke with People For the American Way President Ben Jealous about poll watching's racist history and current resurgence.
New research by CMD shows private equity political spending soared to almost $100 million in 2016 election cycle.
Fake news has been weaponized as never before.
Hot off the press is John Nichol’s new book HORSEMEN OF THE TRUMPOCALYPSE A Field Guide to the Most Dangerous People in America. The book details the wrecking crew with the power to make our country and our world a much more dangerous place.
Learn about Robert and Rebekah Mercer “The Investors,” the “King of Voter Suppression” Kris Kobach, the Koch Brother Mike Pompeo, the Kingfish of the Quagmire Tom Price, and “Secretary of Gentrification” Ben Carson.
Russian Colonel Rudolf Abel is the spy who is front and center in Steven Spielberg's film, "Bridge of Spies," which is nominated in six Oscar categories. FBI agent John "Jack" Coulter, who helped catch Abel, is the father of arch right-winger Ann Coulter.
A grandmother reports for a six-month prison sentence today for taking photos of Catholics taking a stand against U.S. drone policy, while armed right-wing militants in Oregon are treated with kid gloves.
On Martin Luther King Day, here is some additional information about the Koch PR offensive and their legacy on civil rights.
Jane Mayer's new book, Dark Money, reveals how Fred Koch profited from dealing with Hitler's Germany and praised Germany while criticizing American workers.
A year-long CMD investigation reveals that the federal government has pumped millions into charter schools that closed or never even opened.
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