Imaging Study Leaves Tobacco Funding Out of the Picture
Submitted by Anne Landman on
The lead author of the largest lung cancer screening study ever performed has come under fire for accepting cigarette company funding for the study. Dr.
Submitted by Anne Landman on
The lead author of the largest lung cancer screening study ever performed has come under fire for accepting cigarette company funding for the study. Dr.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Twenty Army National Guard public information officers based in Madison, Wisconsin, will soon begin a year-long s
Submitted by Bob Burton on
The director of external relations for Procter & Gamble, Mark Chakravarty, recently told a UK healthcare PR conference that the drug industry is less than popular with the public. "There is a high suspicion of the pharma industry. Greed, dishonesty and fraud are some of its associations. The clinical trial press this week and an increased number of drug scandals add to this image," he said.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
Senator Barack Obama's chief campaign strategist, David Axelrod, "moonlights" from his political PR firm AKP&D Message & Media.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
"China has begun to fight back against criticism of its handling of the Tibetan protests," during which protesters have been killed, with a "sustained publicity offensive as well as blocking foreign broadcasters and websites and denying journalists access to areas of unrest," reports The Guardian.
Submitted by Sheldon Rampton on
The National Security Agency, once known for its skill in eavesdropping on the world's telephone calls, is adapting to the times by "focusing on widespread monitoring of e-mail messages and text messages, recording of Web browsing, and other forms of electronic data-mining, all done without court supervision," reports Declan McCu
Submitted by Judith Siers-Poisson on
The Environmental Protection Agency began closing several of its libraries in 2006 due to a shrinking budget. But the agency did not take into account how access to important environmental data would be blocked for legislators, researchers and citizens.
Submitted by Diane Farsetta on
The watchdog group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is criticizing the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for dropping its sponsorship of RSF's Online Free Expression Day.
Submitted by Anne Landman on
An article in the Independent links funding for the "2008 International Conference on Climate Change" held in New York earlier this month to tobacco and oil companies.
Submitted by Anne Landman on
R.J. Reynolds (RJR) may be funding a South Carolina anti-tax group to oppose a cigarette tax for health care. The Cover Carolina Collaborative, a group of health care organizations, is proposing that the state's tax be raised to $1.00 a pack, to help cover uninsured employees. South Carolina currently has the lowest cigarette tax in the nation, at seven cents a pack.
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