
Hypocritical Talk

"Spocko," an obscure blogger living in San Francisco, has shaken up some of the merchants of hate on right-wing KSFO-AM radio. For the past year, he has been e-mailing the station's advertisers with audio clips from its shows and asking sponsors to consider what they're supporting. Some sponsors have pulled their ads, after hearing clips like one of KSFO's Lee Rodgers suggesting that a protester be "stomped to death right there.


Want Your Own Educational Radio Station? Here's Your Chance

"The Federal Communications Commission will accept applications for new full power non-commercial educational (NCE) FM radio station licenses sometime this year, perhaps in late spring," writes Carmen Ausserer. "Typically, the FCC gives between one and three months notice before opening the filing window, which will likely last only five days." The process will end a six-year FCC freeze on new full-power licenses.


Journalist Sarah Olson on Hot-Seat in Watada Court Martial

Progressive magazine editor Matt Rothschild reports, "Sarah Olson was on a big story, and now she has become a part of it. The freelance journalist was one of the first reporters to cover the story of Lt. Ehren Watada, who is facing a court martial for publicly refusing to deploy to Iraq. Watada has denounced the war as 'illegal and unjust.' Now the army has subpoenaed Olson and another reporter to testify at Watada’s trial. ...


Meet Us in Memphis!

Media activists, scholars, reporters and policy makers will converge in Memphis, TN, this weekend, for the National Conference for Media Reform, organized by Free Press. If you'll be there, stop by the Center for Media and Democracy information table or come to one of the presentations by CMD staffers.


Smithsonian-Showtime Contract Stymies Filmmakers

The Smithsonian Institution is defending a long-term multimillion dollar contract that limits access to some filmmakers in favor of Showtime Networks, a CBS affiliate. The scale of the contract with Showtime enables "an exponential growth in filming projects," Smithsonian Secretary Lawrence Small told the Government Accountability Office (GAO).


Meet Us in Memphis at the National Conference for Media Reform

Many of CMD's staff will be in Memphis, Tennessee, January 11-14, at the National Conference for Media Reform. Check out the extensive program featuring journalists, activists, FCC Commissioners, media watchdogs, national elected officials, and entertainers. The scores of notables include Bill Moyers, Amy Goodman and Helen Thomas.



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