
One News Source Rejects Unnamed Sources

One radio station in Santa Fe, New Mexico has had enough. "It is the policy of KSFR's news department to ignore and not repeat any wire service or nationally published story about Iran, China, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia or any other foreign power that quotes an 'unnamed' U.S. official," news director Bill Dupuy told his staff. "We should not dutifully parrot whatever comes out of Washington, on the wire or by whatever means, no matter how intriguing and urgent it sounds, when the source is unnamed.


Scooter's Trial Shines Harsh Light on DC Press Corps

Nick Madigan of the Baltimore Sun reports, "The trial of I. Lewis Scooter Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, and recent disclosures ... are shining a harsh light on the sometimes overly symbiotic relationships between reporters and their sources. ...


The Gori Truth: Tobacco Industry Payments to Toxicologist Undisclosed

As part of a program to give voice to a select group of think tanks, on January 30 the Washington Post printed an article by toxicologist and epidemiologist Gio Batta Gori, titled "The Bogus 'Science' of Secondhand Smoke." Gori claims that many published studies on the health hazards of secondhand smoke are bas


Bush's Fantasy Budget and the Military/Entertainment Complex

The entertainment industry: Bush's "Mission Accomplished"Those distressed by the bloated military budget that Bush recently announced should be equally alarmed by corporate media's stake in defense spending, because among other things, it helps shape news, entertainment culture and public attitudes toward war and its weapons. The CBS News report on Bush's budget was typical of the news coverage, describing it as a proposal for "a big increase in military spending, including billions more to fight the war in Iraq, while squeezing the rest of government" -- a euphemism for slashing Medicare and social programs across the board, further impoverishing Americans now sitting on mountains of debt with no medical coverage.

On Iran Allegations, Consider the Source

On February 10, the New York Times ran a story about "an increasing body of evidence" suggesting "an Iranian role" in supplying the "deadliest weapon aimed at American troops in Iraq." Editor & Publisher's Greg Mitchell wants readers to consider the source. The sources cited are "civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies," almost all anonymous. And the author of the piece is Michael R.


Josh Wolf Sets Imprisonment Record for U.S. Journalists - 'A Bad Signal to the World'

Sometimes it takes setting some sort of record to be noticed. The New York Times observes that Josh Wolf has become "the longest incarcerated journalist in modern American history" passing "Vanessa Leggett... Mr. Wolf, 24, has been in prison since August, with a brief break in September related to his appeal, after refusing to cooperate with a grand jury investigation of an anticapitalist protest in 2005 ... . Prosecutors have demanded that Mr.



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