TTIP of the Iceberg: Consumer Concerns Could Sink the US-EU Trade Agreement
The TTIP contains those same old clunky trade rules that threaten consumer and environmental laws.
The TTIP contains those same old clunky trade rules that threaten consumer and environmental laws.
A "transparent attempt to hamstring" the John Doe prosecutors and prevent review by U.S. Supreme Court.
If Crossroads GPS can get tax-exempt status, all bets are off.
In the face of an onslaught of big money in campaigns and elections, ordinary Americans are finding ways to take back their democracy.
A top Walker ally--and the head of his controversial business development initiative--is accused of discriminating against Muslim Americans by denying them reasonable accommodation of their faith as guaranteed by the Constitution and statutes.
Corporate-funded groups like ALEC are urging state legislatures to pass resolutions calling for a constitutional convention to adopt a "Balanced Budget Amendment" and more. Those groups are getting closer. Here's more about the lay of the land.
Corporate interests are taking aim at local government.
Will the real anti-establishment candidate please stand up?
Right to Work legislation is basically a pay cut for workers: "Wages in RTW states are 3.1 percent lower than those in non-RTW states. . . . This translates into RTW being associated with $1,558 lower annual wages for a typical full-time, full-year worker."
West Virginia is the latest front in a national battle to undermine worker rights bankrolled by the billionaire Koch brothers.
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