Devastating Walker Budget to Be Finalized
The state’s Joint Finance Committee will work in marathon sessions this week to finalize another Walker austerity budget.
The state’s Joint Finance Committee will work in marathon sessions this week to finalize another Walker austerity budget.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker won his election in 2010 on a promise to create 250,000 new jobs. Walker created his flagship Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation in 2011 and named himself Chairman. Now, as allegations of cronyism and corruption engulf WEDC, Walker has been removed as Chairman.
A lobbyist and a legislator got caught on tape explaining how corporations subsidize lawmakers' resort trips through ALEC, the corporate bill mill.
If the evaluation of charter school applications is deeply flawed, the oversight of the $3.3 billion disbursed by the federal government to expand charter schools is not much better.
CMD's review of documents from the U.S. Department of Education sheds new light on the deep flaws in the design, implementation and oversight of the federal charter schools program.
CMD's review of grant documents shows that lack of democratic oversight is a boon rather than a burden if you want to receive money from the federal charter schools program.
CMD’s review reveals that the federal government has spent a staggering sum, $3.3 billion, of taxpayer money creating and expanding the charter school industry over the past two decades, but it has done so without requiring the most basic transparency in who ultimately receives the funds and what those tax dollars are being used for,
New emails reveal that the instructions to scrap the Wisconsin Idea from the UW Mission Statement originated with Walker’s Chief of Staff Eric Schutt, who was copied at least twice on the final language.
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders’ entrance into the race for the White House will bring a refreshing clarity to candidates’ positions on the critical economic issues of our day.
Two career prosecutors--one a Republican, one a Democrat--just called Scott Walker a liar, and not a single national newspaper took notice.
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