Science Under Siege

The American Civil Liberties Union has issued a new report which charges that the Bush administration is using the war on terror as a pretext to tighten restrictions on information. It states that the administration "has sought to impose growing restrictions on the free flow of scientific information, unreasonable barriers on the use of scientific materials and increased monitoring of and restrictions on foreign university students. ...


The Junk Food Lobby Wins Again

Last week, Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell vetoed "what would have been the nation's strongest school-based nutrition law," writes Michele Simon. "With one stroke of the pen, she put to rest an extremely contentious three-year battle to rid Connecticut schools of soda and junk food. Similar scenarios are being played out in state capitals all over the nation, where high-paid lobbyists of multi-national corporations such as Coca-Cola are swooping in to foil the efforts of local nutrition advocates, educators.


Campus Crusader

Bill Berkowitz reports on the latest activities of David Horowitz, the former Marxist turned right-wing ranter who is now campaigning for an "Academic Bill of Rights" that could, if passed, require university biology professors to teach "alternatives" to the theory of evolution and would allow students to sue their professors if they feel the professors are not sufficiently respectful of their views.



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