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  • Reply to: Scott Walker and Barack Obama Have the Same Campaign Slogan, Who is the Commie Pinko Now?   12 years 4 months ago
    Forward (from Merriam Webster dictionary) 1 a : near, being at, or belonging to the forepart b : situated in advance 2 a : strongly inclined : ready b : lacking modesty or reserve 3 : notably advanced or developed : precocious 4 : moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front 5 a : advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress b :extreme, radical 6 : of, relating to, or getting ready for the future Where is the part about Marxism? Did anyone point this out to Richard Nixon when he used "Forward Together" as his inaugural slogan in 1969? Do you think the marxists worried that Forward was the motto of a state in the freedom-loving USA when it chose to use the word VORWARTS? Maybe they were closet democrats. Seriously, it's the 21st century. Who under the age of 40 would have made that association without the rightwing pointing it out? Paranoia runs deep in the right wing.
  • Reply to: Amazon's Membership Demonstrates Corporate Control of ALEC Agenda   12 years 4 months ago
    Maybe this is another reason why Amazon is in ALEC: "Current and former workers at Amazon's warehouse near Allentown, Pa., say they were forced to endure temperatures above 100 degrees inside the sprawling facility and were pushed to work at a pace many could not sustain." I also patronize Amazon a lot, and when I saw the reports on working conditions I thought that it was okay to continue to patronize them (because people need any jobs at all) while we (the people) worked to get fair oversight legislation into place. We need to improve working conditions across the industry, so Amazon can compete fairly with other online warehouse employers on a fair and decent playing field. Instead, I find that Amazon, through ALEC, is conspiring with other retailers to prevent worker health and safety regulations from happening! I have no objection to Amazon lobbying openly to prevent internet taxes. Many people might support that idea on the grounds that economic activity benefits the economy. My objection isn't that Amazon lobbies, it's that it lobbies in secret for filthy legislation, that the people who actually elect legislators don't want and wouldn't tolerate in daylight! So I won't patronize Amazon again until they withdraw all participation in ALEC. I'll post that message all over the web, as well as contact them and sign petitions. Amazon executives had better hear it, or face a shareholder suit.
  • Reply to: Taps Into the Discontented Left   12 years 4 months ago

    A) I salute and applaud you but let's not splinter the dems. B) Focus on vote fraud. Without free and fair elections we're better off with a king. There's no provision on this phony site to submit comment. May I send you a bill for my time?

  • Reply to: Scott Walker and Barack Obama Have the Same Campaign Slogan, Who is the Commie Pinko Now?   12 years 4 months ago
    What does forward mean? Well, if we hadn't been willing to move "forward", we would still be using candles and torches, horses, the outhouse in the backyard, and on and on. There would have been NO automobiles, airplanes, clean water, electricity,toilets and washbasins, internet, computers, telephones, cellphones, TVs, radios, and on and on. Forward means inventiveness, the future. Republicans - however, would have us actually go backward to the dark ages where there were NO protections for workers, no regulations to insure clean drinking water, or unpolluted food, or the air we breathe, or the heavy metal we ride in (cars, planes, trains, etc.). Our children will be working at unsafe places at all hours with little schooling allowed because the GOP as a whole is against education of anyone who is not a wealthy person. Obama brought us out of the jowls of disaster akin to the Great Depression. He's done his best to ease the burden of the working poor and those who have lost their jobs (reducing the SS tax for employees to put more money in their pockets, and reducing the cost of COBRA 60%, the health insurance program where the unemployed pays the complete cost of their health insurance). That among many, many other things he's tried to help citizens with which the GOPers in Congress and elsewhere have been against from day 1 because Obama is NOT a republican. GOPers tend to lie to get their own way.
  • Reply to: Scott Walker and Barack Obama Have the Same Campaign Slogan, Who is the Commie Pinko Now?   12 years 4 months ago
    Yeah, having a difficult time acknowledging it, I lost my tinfoil beanie.
