Recent comments

  • Reply to: Caught on Tape: Walker Plans for a Single Party State   12 years 4 months ago
    Great article Mary! I think the part about the video is inaccurate though. I thought it was from January 2011 & taken by a Milwaukee filmmaker working on a documentary?
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 4 months ago
    you imagine that your interests and state farm's are the same? what rock have you been living under?
  • Reply to: One Stimulus Response: Fake News   12 years 4 months ago

    Video news releases are evidence of the incompetence or corruption of a broadcaster. There might be legitimate use for them, but even if they were acceptable they should have copious disclaimers. One is that "this clip is not produced by any broadcast or cable news service and is offered without cost to this station by the group "Polluters Are Your Friends".

    We need to resuscitate the Fairness Doctrine.

  • Reply to: Eye Opener: Turkish Charter Schools Sweep Across America Funded By Walmart Family   12 years 4 months ago
    The difference here is transparency my Gulencis Friends! You are good at slamming online boards and I give you about "c" in Media savvy. Christian schools are up front about the fact they are "Christian Schools" they do not hide behind the guise of "science or math" while promoting Turkishness and other subtle indoctrination of children worldwide. Additionally, they are private schools and don't accept governmental tax money as your charter schools that are operated and managed by known members of the Gulen Movement. Come clean so we can move on. Lastly, it is the Gulen Movement that is racist against non Turkish / Moslem Teachers. Many EEOC lawsuits against your schools. Shame on you. This organization which operates 130 charter schools in the United States has been violating the civil rights of American teachers and administrators for the past eleven years by blatantly ignoring federal age, nationality, and gender equal opportunity laws. Further, their practices have supplanted American jobs by bringing in H1-B visa holders instead of hiring qualified and available American teachers and administrators, and all the while using American tax dollars to do so. The American tax payers are not only losing jobs, but are also required to pay for H1-B visa fees and in many instances graduate degrees for the foreign teachers and administrators. With unemployment rates still at an all time high, let's ask our government officials why they are still allowing the influx of H1-B visa employees to take American jobs when the United States has a wealth of qualified and credentialed American teachers and administrators SIGN THE PETITION HERE:
  • Reply to: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Cuts Ties to ALEC   12 years 4 months ago
    That is great posting and very informative site. Thanks sharing for me.
