Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Nuns on the Bus Go Up and Down   12 years 2 months ago
    What could be more despicable than an acolyte of a sociopathetic, amphetimine addicted and hypocritical "goddess of the marketplace" hiding behind the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Ryan came of age during a time in Janesville that was known for prosperity and excess. Instead of preaching moderation and restraint for all, he has become the apologist for austerity for most, and unrestrained wealth and power for his sponsors.
  • Reply to: The Nuns on the Bus Go Up and Down   12 years 2 months ago
    If all Catholic clergy were like these nuns, I would probably still be going to church. More power to you.urs
  • Reply to: The Nuns on the Bus Go Up and Down   12 years 2 months ago
    Nuns have traditionally taken care of the poor, the downtrodden... He defended the cause of the poor and needy, and so all went well. Is that not what it means to know me?" declares the LORD. Jeremiah 22:16
  • Reply to: Suspicious Minds: Will There Be a Special Session in Wisconsin?   12 years 2 months ago
    they will do what ever it takes to strip away any rights the people have to suit themselvs. they wll lie cheat and steal. all we can do at this point is hope that a couple of repubs won't go along with them for fear of their seats. the more they pull the more eyes that will open. right now i cannot believe that wisconsin has sdo many stupid people. but they will wise up when the bill comes due and they find out walker borrowed the money and used the cr\eadit card, and that he paid off nothing except his rich supporters and has stuck us with the bill
  • Reply to: The Nuns on the Bus Go Up and Down   12 years 2 months ago
    Paul Ryan and his ilk are too young or to removed to remember the Freedom Riders in the 60s? Remember the voter registration drives, the sit-ins, the teach-ins, and all the work and danger involved. But these nuns are not. Nor are the well-fed bishops and the rich and comfy Catholics they pander to. But the nuns on the bus remember - and they are the ones following Christ and His teachings. Ryan et al had better listen, or, as wiser heads have suggested, they just might be caught in "the fire next time," because it is surely coming.
