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  • Reply to: Partisan Motivation Behind Voter ID Laid Bare   12 years 2 months ago
    "This is not the Repubs keeping legally qualified people from voting" Well of course it is. Haven't you heard Paul Weyrich going on about "We don't want everyone to vote..."? And Rick Scott trying to purge tens of thousands of qualified voters in Florida? Republicans want wealthy white people, especially older ones, to vote, their demographic. Students and minorities get roadblocks. The integrity of the ballot and voting machines get little scrutiny from Republicans.
  • Reply to: Who is Bankrolling NFIB's Fight Against the ACA?   12 years 2 months ago
    These guys are fighting to remain in "control" of this country, the conversation, and once sleeping people now waking up. What's most frightening is not that the liberals are waking up to the horrors that had been going on in the dark, but their base is beginning to wake up, look around, and consider their own best interests for the first time since emancipation. They are afraid and they are dangerous. Wade warily into the deep end, my friends. These guys don't have the finesse of their ancestors. These guys are pedestrian and weiled a scalpal like a sledehammer; no grace.
  • Reply to: Who is Bankrolling NFIB's Fight Against the ACA?   12 years 2 months ago
    “National FIB” says it all ...
  • Reply to: Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?   12 years 2 months ago

    yep. and i intend become one of the contributing millions.

  • Reply to: Partisan Motivation Behind Voter ID Laid Bare   12 years 2 months ago
    This is not the Repubs keeping legally qualified people from voting, it is about keeping dead people from voting. Mean old republicans, why can't Aunt Mary vote, she's only been dead since 1969! I say we go back to the days of the founding fathers, when only land owners were allowed to vote, or at least people who work for a living and have some skin in the game!
