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  • Reply to: Paid Sick Leave Will Make You Healthier and Wealthier, Study Says   12 years 2 months ago
    OBAMACARE PORTIONS VERY POPULAR steve benen wash times---list is D-R-I Exchanges—90---80---75 Subsidies for uninsured—92---58---75 Coverage for youth in family---92.--50---70 Cover pre-existing—90---78---85 THIS TELLS A STORY OF REPUBLICANS AND CARING FOR OTHERS A CHRIST-LIKE PARTY? HUH! CLARENCE SWINNEY
  • Reply to: Politifact "False" in Minimizing Koch Support for Walker   12 years 2 months ago
    Dear Sir or Madam: AFP was co-founded by David Koch; he chairs its board and works closely with his right-hand man there, Tim Phillips. The idea that Koch is a distant board member at AFP completely misunderstands his role there. It's his organization, his money that has laid the foundation for its work, and his vision that animates its agenda, even if he has obtained financial commitments from his friends to help bring his dream of AFP's role to fruition. And, AFP boasted that it was going to spend at least $10 million in the state, in addition to what it had previously spent buttressing Walker in 2009. As for the RGA, statements that accompanied his million dollar check this spring indicated that it was to help Walker, the only governor in the country running for election this spring. Regarding the million to RGA in 2010, it helped subsidize RGA's ads in Wisconsin and probably other states. All told, $12 million is a fair estimate based on the publicly available information. And that does not even count all the groups Charles and David fund that helped provide support to Walker in various ways. What's absurd is trying to split hairs to claim that AFP's $10 million in Wisconsin is not attributable to Koch and the operation he has nurtured and built.
  • Reply to: Politifact "False" in Minimizing Koch Support for Walker   12 years 2 months ago
    What is absurd, is the legalized corruption that we now have in political campaign finance and in the Citizens United ruling. What is absurd is the undue influence that our of state billionaires have on Wisconsin government. You realize how absurd it is, right?
  • Reply to: Politifact "False" in Minimizing Koch Support for Walker   12 years 2 months ago
    True, money is fungible so it's not clear whether Koch's exact $$ went to supporting Walker, however, the fact that their organization spent so much ads, and they gave so much $ to the RGA who spent so much on ads at least warrants a "half-true" rating from politifact. P.S. chairperson*
  • Reply to: Politifact "False" in Minimizing Koch Support for Walker   12 years 2 months ago
    Your claim "All told, the Koch brothers directed $12 million to Wisconsin to support Walker," assumes that Charles and David have 100% influence over every dollar AFP spends (that's not how Boards at nonprofits work, even if you're the chairman), AND, that every single dollar of the $2.025 million you say went to the Republican Governors Association was spent entirely on Walker's recall election. You realize that's an absurd position, right?
