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  • Reply to: Sprucing Up Suppression: Pennsylvania GOP Proposes New Election-Rigging Scheme   11 years 6 months ago
    The new version of the GOP vote-rigging plan is just as bad as the one currently used. All the gerrymandering is abominable whether done by Democrats or republicans! I don't believe for one minute that the Democrats are suffering for the same disease as the gop. Most of the House and Senate republicans are either demented or stupid!
  • Reply to: Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 6 months ago
    I'm an environmentalist, but I think that the pipeline should be approved. The oil will be moved by rail or by pipeline, and pipeline is clearly the better option. The oil will be sent west over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast, and then to China, or else south by pipeline to the U.S. Sending it to the U.S. is clearly the better option. The pipeline decision is a very simple one, but unfortunately some people have tried to make it complicated.
  • Reply to: Bills to Label Genetically Engineered Foods Introduced in Illinois and Iowa   11 years 6 months ago
    Reign in this GMO beast. First, overturn Clarence Thomas' decision to allow Monsanto a patent on the seed. A Supreme Court justice who used to be a lawyer for Monsanto decides the fate of our food?! MADNESS!! He should have recused himself. Obvious corruption. Seeds were made by Mother Nature and should NEVER have a patent. Second, the food supply should NEVER be tampered with, allowing viruses, bacteria and foreign genes. The DNA of a plant should NEVER be altered or compromised. It becomes a toxic offender to the human body. Clarence Thomas was there again today to hear this latest case. Check this out: FDA, MONSANTO, SUPREME COURT, US GOV'T ALL CORRUPT & COMPLICIT IN POISONING AMERICANS. NOT CHINA, NOT RUSSIA...THE GOOD OLD US OF A, THE ONE THAT WE ONCE TRUSTED. WE DON'T TRUST YOU ANYMORE!!!!
  • Reply to: To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 6 months ago
    That's why we never stop hearing that <i>fists</i> don't kill people, <i>people</i> kill people. :-)
  • Reply to: To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 6 months ago
    "As for the AR-15, you are more likely to be killed by someone's fists than by any type of rifle..." So, if Adam Lanza hadn't had a Bushmaster 223 at his disposal, he would have PUNCHED in the door at Sandy Hook Elementary, and then PUNCHED 20 children and 6 adults to death? After using his fists to kill his mother in her sleep, of course. Interesting.
