Recent comments

  • Reply to: Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 6 months ago
    I'm a corporate and Wall Street shill, but I think someone who supports pipelining that toxic brew through the U.S. should only be allowed to call himself an "environmentalist" if he signs a sworn pledge to eat it all up with a spoon if it spills. Tell you what: build the refineries right there on the tar sands; that land is already screwed anyway. Then let the Canadians export the refined gasoline and heating oil to the U.S. and wherever else.
  • Reply to: Four States Introduce Keystone XL Resolutions, Lifting Language from ALEC and TransCanada Itself   11 years 6 months ago
    My Opinion: Our democracy is under attack by the group called ALEC. Lawmakers who support or belong to this group need to know that the American people are there constituents, not corporations. ALEC needs to be exposed for the self-serving anti-democratic group that it is.
  • Reply to: Four States Introduce Keystone XL Resolutions, Lifting Language from ALEC and TransCanada Itself   11 years 6 months ago
    This is one of the biggest scams yet by ALEC and special interests! SHAME SHAME SHAME! They think we are stupid, but, the products are going to a port - PORT ARTHUR TO BE REINED INTO DIESEL AND JET FUEL AND THEN OFF OVERSEAS! We cannot let a foreign country invade and screw us over - like ALEC which is American but you wouldn't know it! Assholes!
  • Reply to: Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 6 months ago
    Define environmentalist. Define simple. And why???
  • Reply to: Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 6 months ago
    16 hours on a bus, 8 hours in 25 degree weather in DC while Pres O was golfing in Florida to ask his help to stop this dirty tar sands oil project that will only create jobs cleaning up the spills and enrich foreign nations. Two of my precious grandchildren already suffer from asthma due to coal burning and we are watching the fast track to fracking for natural gas that will pollute our groundwater here in ALEC-controlled NC. Fossil fuels are suicidal to the planet and my family! Too bad many commentors have not seen Gasland or are so short-sighted and uninformed about alternatives not to realize that corporations are trying to increase their bottom line with no human concerns. Look up A.L.E.C. and to learn more. Join with the rest of us air breathers to stop this assault on us all.
