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  • Reply to: After Attacking Kwanzaa, WI Senator Moves on to Attacking Renewable Energy -- with Help from ALEC   11 years 6 months ago
    This idiot would be a laughingstock but for the fact that enough people with a similar lack of brains and information voted this idiot into office. How such as him can win amazes me, but as PT Barnum pointed out a sucker is born every minute. His voters, Sarah Palin and himself may make up 1/2 a WORKING brain, but I doubt it.
  • Reply to: Scott Walker Dropped the Bomb Two Years Ago Today and Wisconsin’s Economy Is still Shattered   11 years 6 months ago
    Bravo Billirubin, you have summed it up most eloquently! I too am well educated but underemployed and have had to, as you say, "cobble together disparate jobs that may or may not fit my skills, and have become a scrapper." Your entire post describes exactly what I feel and where I am.
  • Reply to: ALEC Bills in Wisconsin   11 years 6 months ago
    So, I'm too busy this morning to go off on a lengthy political diatribe, so I'm keeping it short and shallow. Did anyone else notice in the photos of the Fitzgerald, both of them have this look on their face, like they are trying hard as hell to do real, honest, actual smiles, but the black in their hearts is overriding everything. It's almost like they are terrified that their face(s) would crack and bleed like chapped lips if they put on a sincere, ear to ear, shite-eatin-grin. Acid test to know if you are truly, despicably evil.... When positive emotions cause you pain.
  • Reply to: Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 6 months ago
    16 hours on a bus? Good for you G'ma! Does that mean you are a neighbor from the mid-west? I suffered from asthma for the first time in my life as an adult when I moved near a coal burning plant and never made the connection until my G'ma explained it to me.
  • Reply to: Climate Change Rally Largest in U.S. History   11 years 6 months ago
    I share your feelings about some people who call themselves "environmentalists," but your proposed solution makes no sense, either in terms of energy extracted from the ground in return for energy sunk in, or of keeping greenhouse gases out of the air: Much better just to leave tar sands "oil" in the ground and concentrate on conservation and developing renewables.
