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  • Reply to: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 3 months ago
    Jane, Read "Organic Chemicals in Sewage Sludge" which refers to the "National Sewage Sludge Survey". Read that too. Tell me if you feel safe after reading the data you paid for. The EPA has spent millions and still do not have all the facts. One thing is common in all the research I have read. "limited pollution" and "Risk" associated with the use of sewage sludge. It would be OK if the farmers were the only ones at risk but that is not the case is it? A blind person can see why this is happening. This is the large city dumping sewage sludge on the surrounding counties. Why, it is produced in such large quantities that it was the cheapest way to get rid of it. They tried dumping it in the ocean killing large areas that will never support life again. They tried putting it in land fills. Heck NY even trained it down to Texas and dumped it openly out on a 1000 acre spread out by El Paso in 1989. THE CITIES ARE DUMPING ON THE SURROUNDING AREAS. The word "biosolid" was made up to fool farmers and citizen into thinking it is OK to dump on farmland. IT IS SEWAGE SLUDGE. THE MOST POLLUTED SUBSTANCE ON THE PLANET NEXT TO RADIATION.
  • Reply to: Congressmen Pocan and Ellison Introduce "Right to Vote" Constitutional Amendment   11 years 3 months ago
    And, how do those "confirmed cases" stack up against would-be voters blocked from voting at the polls because of roadblocks obtaining IDs? Insignificant by comparison, I'll bet. And that's the whole point of voter ID laws -- you don't have to get a whole bunch of people to commit fraud, just find a way to block a whole bunch of legitimate voters legally.
  • Reply to: Victory for Food Rights and Wisconsin Farmer Vernon Hershberger   11 years 3 months ago
    "Any form of raw milk legislation in Wisconsin will only aid DATCP in their agenda of control of the food and infringe upon your right to procure food directly from the farm" THIS IS CORRECT! Just leave it alone and let people choose what they want to drink....the regulators are working for "big milk" and will draft regulations to favor their positions. There is no reason milk should be a political issue. No one is forcing anyone to drink raw milk....on the other hand the state wants to force commercial/industrial milk as the only choice available. The state does love its monopoly power. The state uses guns, violence, force and peoples tax money to create its monopoly for big milk...and big milk is more than happy to pay them to do it. The cow share program eliminates any political/government involment. It lets farmers be farmers lets them sell their products, advertise, deliver and make processed products such as cheese and yogurt....all illegal under state regulator's laws. Hats off to Vernon and his family as well as FTCLDF and its attorneys. Great Job!!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!!
  • Reply to: Congressmen Pocan and Ellison Introduce "Right to Vote" Constitutional Amendment   11 years 3 months ago
    Your reply was perfect!
  • Reply to: Victory for Food Rights and Wisconsin Farmer Vernon Hershberger   11 years 3 months ago
    thank you for this article
